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碳化硅生产是高耗能行业。SiC synthesis is a high-energy-costing industry.

铝液对粘土结合碳化硅侵蚀属于晶间腐蚀。The corrosion of clay-bonded SiC is grain boundary erosion.

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金刚砂一种碳化硅晶体磨料的商标名。A trademark used for an abrasive of silicon carbide crystals.

讨论了碳化硅纳米纤维的气-固生长机理。Vapor-solid growth mechanism of the SiC nanofibers was discussed.

以碳化稻壳为原料、碳纤维为诱导相制备碳化硅晶须。The activated carbon was prepared by using rice husks as raw material.

我们采用碳化硅材料,利用捣打技术恢复一号炉卫燃带。We repair the burner brand with carborundum by the technique of ramming.

此结果对冶金用特型碳化硅砖结构设计有一定的参考价值。These results are useful for structure design of especial sic in metallurgy.

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综述了碳化硅反射镜材料常用制备方法的特点。The fabrication process and application of silicon carbide mirror are presented.

研究了氮化硅结合碳化硅材料耐腐蚀性能的测试方法。A new method was applied to the test of corrosion resistance of SiC-Si3N4 material.

碳化硅是由碳和硅以共价键为主结合而成的化合物,属非氧化物材料。SiC is combined by and Si by covalent bond, Which is a kind of non-oxide materials.

通过先驱体转化法,制备出三叶形、三折叶形和T形截面碳化硅纤维。Trilobal, swirl-shaped and T-shaped SiC fibers were prepared from precursor polymer.

临沂市金蒙碳化硅有限公司始建于2003年,占地面积260多亩。Linyi Jinmeng silicon carbide Co. , Ltd. was founded in 2003, covers an area of 260 mu.

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而碳化硅卓越的导热性则避免了引入温度梯度。In addition its excellent conductivity avoids the introduction of temperature gradients.

三块反射镜使用钛制螺栓直接安装在碳化硅的端板上。The three mirrors are directly mounted on the Silicon Carbide plates using titanium bolts.

两种常用碳化硅反射镜基底表面改性的研究。Research of the surface modification for two kinds of silicon carbide mirror in common use.

采用真空无压烧结进行碳化硅复合粉体的烧结致密化。The densification of SiC composite powders was carried out by vacuum pressureless sintering.

碳化硅、氮化硅、石英、刚玉、赛龙等陶瓷升液管,也适用于陶瓷脱气管、热电偶保护套管等。It is also suitable for ceramic degassing pipes and protective sleeves of thermocouples, etc.

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采用真空无压烧结进行碳化硅复合粉体的致密化烧结处理。The densification of SiC composite powders was accomplished by vacuum pressureless sintering.

应用碳化硅砖后,延长了出铁口及整个炉衬的使用寿命。Since the SiC brick was applied , the life of taphole and lining on the furnace was prolonged.

另外,黑色碳化硅可用于生产耐火产品及电子产品等。Moreover, yt can also be used in the manufacture of refractory products and electric products etc.