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篱笆是威尔士农田的分界线。Hedgerows separate fields in Wales.

一个中心的分界线就是特性或者产品。A central dividing line is feature or product.

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因此,精英制度是一种社会分界线。Meritocracy, therefore, is a kind a social divider.

边界是主权国家领土分界线。Border is the domain boundary between sovereignties.

善恶间的分界线已经变得模糊了。The line between good and evil is beginning to blur.

一条河流成了两国的分界线。A river forms the boundary between the two countries.

这道栅子是我的地和她的地的分界线。The fence marks the boundary between my land and hers.

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在布罗克曼等人绘制的地图中,一些分界线在我们预料之中,但很多分界线却也让我们大吃一惊。Some divisions were expected, but many were a surprise.

这条栏栅是我和她的地的分界线。The fence marks the boundary between my lands and hers.

最大的惊人之处是所谓的睡眠太久是以8晓时为分界线的。The big surprise is that long sleep seems to start at 8 hr.

冻土带与森林之间在照片上呈现出一条分界线。The line between tundra and forest runs through this image.

这将减少你在捏造分界线的机会。This will reduce the temptation to fudge on your boundaries.

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他轻轻地来回振荡,越过了分界线。He gently oscillated back and forth across the dividing line.

挑战在于个性化和隐私之间的分界线。The challenge is the boundary of personalisation and privacy.

这两股气团的分界线叫锋面。The dividing line between the two air masses is called a front.

这道分割我祖国的分界线几乎每天出现在我的脑海中。The line that divided my country was on my mind almost every day.

在零利率分界线上,财政和货币政策会融为一体。At the zero-rate boundary, fiscal and monetary policies become one.

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联合国军在分界线巡逻并企图平息民族矛盾。The UN patrols the dividing line and works to settle ethnic enmities.

它们通常沿着沙丘与坡面间的分界线分布。They often form along the boundary between the dune and thesurface below.

该系统采用基于基值平面的思想,定位分界线来检测色谱峰。This system detects the blob above the base plane by locating the borders.