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成本效益分析。Cost-benefit analysis.

关于特许人的效益。On the benefits to the Franchisor.

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环境效益和经济效益皆佳。It is benefit to environment and economy.

我承诺过效率与效益。I promised efficiencies and effectiveness.

比较和成本效益研究。Comparative- and cost-effectiveness research.

以致形成良性循环,薄利多销,向规模要效益。So a benign cycle, makes, the scale benefits.

你需要一项以顶端效益为模型的计划。You need a program modeled on Race to the Top.

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国家作为整体收到了正面的效益。Benefits have accrued to the nation as a whole.

最具有成本效益,全合一呼叫控制!Most cost-efficient, all-in-one call controller!

VCT网络成本与效益不匹配。The cost benefit of VCT networks was irrelevant.

弥尔是否为一位规则效益主义者?Whether J. S. Mill is a rule-utilitarian or not?

您应该提供符合成本效益达内的工作。You should provide cost effective work within TAT.

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如上所述,能源效益是真实的,那么成本怎么样呢?So the energy benefits are real, but what about costs?

葡萄栽培的目标是实现种植效益的最大化。The target of viticulture is to get a maximum benefit.

“你从二线效应中获得效益”,他说。"You're profiting off a second-line effect, " he says.

萨特亚南达瑜伽休息术的三个主要效益是什么?。What are three major benefits of Satyananda Yoga Nidra?

经济效益明显,每公顷净增效益平均为105.38元。A net profit of 105.38 RMB per hectare could be achieved.

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成本效益分析根据收益权衡成本。Cost-benefitanalysis weighs the costs against the benefits.

实践证明,采用这两种对策,可最大限度地减少毛细损失,取得良好效益。It is proved by practice that the two way is the effective.

环保,符合成本效益的替代旋装过滤器。Eco-friendly, cost-effective alternative to spin-on filters.