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我们团配属第一师。Our regiment is attached to the first division.

配属夹克。纯银领带夹。2英寸长。Jacket required. Tie clip in sterling silver. 2" long."

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其时第二军配属有美军装甲第二师。At that time the II Corps consisted of the U. S. 1st Armored Division.

其时第二军配属有美军装甲第二师。At that time the ii corps consisted of the u. s. 1st armored division.

而022可以配属这种导弹说明其可以打算用作反航母的作战。And the 022 missiles that can accompany such that it can intended for anti-aircraft carrier operations.

“五色”与“五行”的配属表明中国古典色彩具有丰富的文化内涵。Correlative of five colours and five elements declare that the Chinese ancient colours possess rich intension.

主要运用马尔可夫链来研究机务段中机车的配属问题。This article discusses mainly the application of the theory of Markov Chains in the configuration of Locomotive Depot.

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五行与五脏的配属经过了一个从哲学到医学的转变过程。The relationships between the five elements and five organs were described in different ways in philosophy and in edcine.

你不会一离开学校就有4万年薪、你不会马上就是拥有公司配属手机的副总裁,二者你都必须靠努力赚来。You will not make 40 thousand dollars a year center out of highschool. You won't be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both.

同行的还有美国最新的“宙斯盾”驱逐舰“斯托克代尔”号,并配属了其他飞弹巡洋舰、飞弹驱逐舰等。Accompanied by the latest U. S. "Aegis" destroyers, "Stockdale" number and attachment of other missile cruisers, destroyers and other missiles.

一名配属该炮兵连的卡车修理工用“巴祖卡”干掉了一辆坦克,两名乘员阵亡。An American truck mechanic assigned to the artillery battery managed to knock out one of the two panzers with a bazooka, killing two of its crew.

密封件配属的螺栓和金属板必须用不锈钢做成,以防止因腐蚀对密封件产生负面影响。Bolts and plates for seal attachment must be made from stainless steel if applied in order to prevent negative influence of corrosion on the seals.

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他知道只有完全地达到宁静的状态,才能从无知和苦楚的配属中真正地解脱出来。He knew that the true liberation from the attachment of ignorance and suffering could be attained only by reaching a state of absolute tranquility.

森林培育装备配属过程控制是森林培育实施全面质量管理的重要组成部分。Process control of configuration of the equipment for cultivation forest is essential work to implement total quality management cultivation forest.

对新近发展起来的顶置遥控武器站进行了初步研究,对其应配属的观瞄系统形式进行了探讨。It does some primary research on the newly developed top-placed remote weapon station, and researches the combination of the observing and aiming system.

本公司生产的产品,广泛应用与大楼的建筑,托盘材料,家具的配属产品及各类包装材料等行业。The company's products, widely used and building construction, pallet materials, furniture and all kinds of assigned Product packaging materials and other industries.

因为所有的北约单位都是配属在旅下的连级单位,所以应该要避免拆散单位。这会导致编组内产生问题。Because all of the NATO units are companies attached to Brigade formations, the breaking down of units voluntarily should be avoided. This will cause problems within the formations.

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在文件夹间提供更高级的上下拉功能,在信息与其它配属特色间提供更好的浏览,目的是使电邮界面更完整,并让用户长时间登录。Superior drag and drop functionality between folders, better navigation between messages and other bundled features aim to complement the email interface and keep users logged in longer.

森林培育装备配属过程控制能够合理有效地利用资金,保证装备质量的可靠性和适用性。Process control of configuration of the equipment for cultivation forest can utilize resources reasonably and efficiently, and ensure the quality, reliability and applicability of equipment.

斯坦尼斯号具有很强的自我维修能力,舰上配属了一个飞机维修部门以修复中度损坏的飞机,一个微电子装备修复部门,和几个舰艇修复部门。Stennis also has extensive repair capabilities, including a fully equipped Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department, a micro-miniature electronics repair shop, and numerous ship repair shops.