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希望你现在已经节哀顺变。I hope that you are consoled by this time.

不过,我还是希望你能在这个悲伤的时刻节哀。But let me hope you will moderate your sorrow on this sad occasion.

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孙启鸣过来了,大家都安慰起来他,让他节哀顺便。SunQiMing come over, everyone comfort up him, let him my condolences.

我很难过听闻你父亲过世,请节哀顺变。I was really sorry to hear about your father, please accept my sympathy.

红色和粉色使人愉悦,有节哀的作用。Red and pink make people happy and have the action of restraining grief.

在这里为死者节哀,为伤者祈祷,为救援者加油。Jieai here for the dead, pray for the victims, to rescue those refueling.

希望已经离开的人安息,仍在的人节哀!Hope that the people have left the rest in peace, the people are still Jieai!

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有人想投票么?嗯?好,有些人想移除MIT,节哀吧。Anybody want to vote? Pardon? All right, someone wants to remove MIT. Sad but true.

我们受过的训练要我们安慰他们说“节哀顺变”,但现在我们知道,这句话并没有什么作用。The phrase we're trained to offer them, I'm sorry for your loss, as we know now, doesn't offer much.

在接受培训的时侯,我们要说的一句安慰话是“请节哀顺变”,其实我们也知道,这句话带不了多少安慰。The phrase we're trained to offer them 'I'm sorry for your loss', as we know now, does not offer much.

邻居人家天天过来安慰我们,又安排了时间,帮助补葺那被烧的房子。致以深切的慰问并望节哀自重。Our good neighbours came everyday with the kindest condolence , and fixed a time in which they were all to assist at repairing my former dwelling.

红色和粉色使人愉悦,有节哀的作用。用于情绪低落、对悲伤过敏以及抑郁的治疗。Red and pink make people happy and have the action of restraining grief. The colors are applicable to people with low spirits, susceptibility to grief and cry, and depression.