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她的面颊上有一颗小黑痣。She had a tiny mole on her cheek.

那个黑痣是他脸上的缺点。That mole is a blemish on his face.

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他的额头有颗黑痣。He has a black mole on his forehead.

她左臂上的一黑痣是她的特征。A black mole on her left arm remarks her.

他的脸上有一个很大的黑痣。There is a big black freckle on his face.

她脸上的黑痣使她跟别的姑娘有所区别。The mole on her face marks her off from other girls.

黑痣往往消失于中年时期,但也可能持续扩散。They often begin to disappear from middle age but in some people they continue to spread.

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比如我们拒绝接受对黑痣进行医学检测而最终导致对癌症治疗的延误。Like when we refuse to get that strange mole checked out and end up delaying treatment for cancer.

据了解,黑痣是可分泌暗沉色素的某种皮肤细胞快速分裂的结果,常见于儿童时期。Moles are the result of rapidly dividing cells which produce a dark pigment in the skin, usually in childhood.

本文报道迷惑黑痣菌国内一新记录种和峨眉山黑痣菌与亚彭黑痣菌水黄皮亚种二个订正种和二个已知种新分布。One new record and two correct name and two known species new geographical distribution of the Phyllachora from China are reported.

研究人员还称,黑痣带来的好处可能还有紧绷的肌肉、良好的视力以及健康的心脏,与这些优点相比,“黑痣可能与皮肤癌相关”的说法似乎不足一提。Other suspected benefits include tauter muscles and healthier eyes and heart, which outweigh the risk of skin cancer linked to the presence of moles.

这是当皮肤往往是最公平,更容易为您的皮肤科医生赶上或其他不寻常的黑痣变化,可能表明皮肤癌。This is when skin tends to be fairest, making it easier for your dermatologist to catch unusual moles or other changes that could indicate skin cancer.

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该疾病表现为在之前正常皮肤上出现长大迅速、不规律的黑斑,或者原有的黑痣其大小、颜色或质地发生改变。The disease is mainly identified by a fast-growing, irregular dark spot on previously normal skin or in an existing mole that changes in size, colour or texture.

这时田正明问覃岚怎么到的悬崖边,覃岚告诉田正明有两个人要追杀自己,其中一人脸上好像有黑痣。Then ask Tian Zhengming QinLan how to get to the edge of the cliff, QinLan tell Tian Zhengming two people to kill themselves, one of them seems to have moles on her face.

方法我科自2005年1月至2008年5月.对21例面部因外伤、体表肿瘤、黑痣、瘢痕等切除术后软组织缺损进行修复。Methods From January 2005 to May 2008, we used the kite flap to repair facial tissue defects caused by injury, body surface tumor, removal of nevus or scars in 21 patients.

研究人员调查了1200对年龄为18到79岁的异卵女性双胞胎,结果发现,相比身上少于25颗黑痣者,长有100多颗黑痣者患骨质疏松症的概率更低。Researchers looked at 1, 200 non-identical female twins aged between 18 and 79 and found that those with more than 100 moles were half as likely to develop osteoporosis as those with fewer than 25.

据了解,黑痣是可分泌暗沉色素的某种皮肤细胞快速分裂的结果,常见于人类幼年阶段。Moles are the result of rapidly dividing cells which produce a dark pigment in the skin, usually in childhood. They often begin to disappear from middle age but in some people they continue to spread.