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剩下的只是风景。The rest is landscape.

西溪风景好。Xixi's scenery is good.

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断背山的风景明信片。Scene a Brokeback Mountain.

风景依然在,人却不长留。But people do not stay long.

风景如名信片般精致。Scenery as fine as postcards.

这个风景很上镜头。This landscape is photogenic.

我仍然在画风景油画。I am still painting landscapes.

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薄雾常常使风景暗淡。Mist often blurs the landscape.

还记得报春山上的风景吗?Remember the Primrose Hill set?

正是江南好风景。Now the south shows a nice view.

不言不语,都是好风景。Keeps silent, is the good scenery.

乐山市是风景旅游城市。Leshan is a scenery touristy city.

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其北有风景优美的比都库湖。Its scenic north than the lake are.

败风景,男人味少了一半!Lost landscapes, manly cut by half!

露天开采毁掉了风景。Strip mining deforms the landscape.

这里的风景真是美不胜收!The scenery here is simply amazing.

那里的风景太美了。The scenery there was so beautiful.

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何咏思风景照讲述了什么?What Do Landscape Photographs Tell?

但是他们都不能占有这片风景。But none of them owns the landscape.

风景这边独好。The landscape here is beyond compare.