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专题地图是甚麽?What are thematic maps?

我也喜欢专题报道这样的节目。I also like special reports.

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为时整学期的专题和论文。Semester-long project and paper.

该报还获得专题摄影奖。It also won for Feature Photography.

这个专题研讨会只是个开始。And this workshop was just the start.

此外还有专题报道。There are also special documentaries.

一场医学专题报告会在一个大厅里举行。A medical symposium would be held in a hall.

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我们可以把它作为专题报道的一部分。We could include it as part of our coverage.

去一些愚人节专题网站逛逛。Head to a website devoted to April Fool's Day.

网格专题地图显示美国高程。The grid thematic map of US Elevation displays.

城市地图是专题地图的一个重要分支。City map is an important branch of thematic map.

受训者们及时提交了他们的专题论文。The trainees submitted their monographs in time.

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我甘愿写自我发展专题……I would write self-development articles for free.

本书是一本专题性访谈实录。This book is a unique interviews authentic records.

文学关于本专题收集最流行的书籍。A collection of the most popular books on the topic.

我甚至就这个题目写过短篇专题论文。I've even written a short disquisition on the issue.

我甚至就这个问题写过短篇专题论文。I’ve even written a short disquisition on the issue.

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和他人交流、或开专题会讨论这些需求。Talk about or workshop the requirements with others.

当地理事会举办了有关压力处理的专题讨论会。The local council runs a stress-management workshop.

会议和原来一样,还是单一专题,演讲都限制在30分钟内,而且没有问答时间。It's still single-track, 30 minute talks, and no Q&A.