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一架军用运输机报道了此次撞击。A military transport plane reported the crash.

“大力神”运输机中被部署到战区。Watchkeeper being loaded on a C-130 transport aircraft.

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C-130运输机适合这种人道援助任务。The C-130 is suited for this type of humanitarian mission.

C-5M运输机经过了两个阶段的现代化建设。The C-5M is the product of a two-phase modernization effort.

除尘后的破布和稻麦草再被带式运输机送入蒸煮设备。Cleaned rags and straw are further conveyed to the digesters.

适应于工程建设混凝土皮带运输机。They are suitable for belt conveyers in construction engineering.

两架运输机分别可运送70人和45人左右。Two transport aircraft can carry 70 and 45, respectively, around.

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支援直升机为米-24,苏联作战运输机。The supporting helicopters are Mi-24, the Soviet battle transports.

伊尔-76是乌克兰最强有力的军用运输机。Il-76 is the most powerful military transportation plane in Ukraine.

医疗运输机是极具争议的护士的替代品。The Medivac Dropship was the controversial replacement to the Medic.

入货、卸货运输机可以由NERAK厂家提供,也可以由顾客自己提供。Feed and Discharge Conveyors can be supplied by NERAK or the Customer.

医疗运输机的治疗效果可比母巢之战里的护士强多了。Medivac Dropships heal much faster than Medics from StarCraft Brood War.

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油母页岩原矿通过带式运输机送至四个量料斗。Raw oil shale is transported into four measuring bins by belt conveyers.

该装备将安装于韩国的C-130运输机上。The airborne electronic warfare suites will be for its C-130 transporters.

医疗运输机有一点小问题,有时好使有时不好使。There are minor problems with Medivac. It works but after some time it stops.

本文针对运输机刮板锻造模具设计问题。This paper is directed against forging moulder design in scraper of conveyer.

作为替代,联邦快递会向空客的竞争对手--波音购买更多的远程777运输机。Fedex will instead buy more long-range 777 aircraft fromairbus's rival, boeing.

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次日晚上,我们将搭乘军事运输机飞往佛罗里达州。Our group would be flown to Florida the following night, on military transport.

喝茶寒暄过后,大家登上一架苏制安-24型轻运输机。After light banter over tea, we boarded a Soviet An-24 light transport aircraft.

输煤胶带是火力发电厂的重要运输机械。The coal conveyer belt is an important transport machine of thermal power plant.