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姓不姓蒙太古又有什么关系呢?What's Montague?

我和她关系密切。I'm close with her.

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我和某人结束关系了。I am through with sb.

我与她断绝关系了。I have done with her.

我和他断绝了关系。I'm through with him.

我和曾加的关系?My rapport with Zenga?

这对夫妇关系已经破裂。The couple have split.

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依赖关系。The volume dependence.

与他们建立关系。to build our own ties.

但是这和赎罪有什么关系?But why the redemption?

不,但是这有关系吗?No, but does it matter?

绦带关系在腰部。Sash belt ties at waist.

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他和爸爸的关系亲不亲密?Is he close to his father?

新规则对雒海超有很大的利害关系。Mr Luo has a lot at stake.

她与家庭断绝了关系。She broke with her family.

你与加图索的关系?Your rapport with Gattuso?

这个和紫色色调又什么关系么?And what of the violet hue?

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建立互动关系是关键。Building engagement is key.

所有链接关系的列表。List of all link relations.

全世界有数以百万计说过“我愿意”的新人有血缘关系。So have millions worldwide.