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军队不断地袭扰敌方的边境。The army harried the enemys border.

奥格知道以后还会有更多这样的塔利班袭扰。Auge knows there will be more Taliban attacks.

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同样的情绪正开始袭扰欧盟。Something of the same mood is starting to grip the European Union.

今夜,许是几盏香茗的袭扰,昏昏然却不能入睡。Tonight, the promise is Jizhan tea, harassing, sleepy but can not sleep.

防线上受到了轻微的袭扰,但中国人没有进一步的进攻。The perimeters were peppered lightly, but there were no further Chinese assaults.

电影描述了遭受不可控环境袭扰的马拉维的无辜受害者。Not that the film portrays Malawian people as innocent victims of circumstances beyond their control.

主要地是昆虫不断袭扰和削弱印度象而抑制了它的增殖。Itis chiefly insects which, from incessantly harassing and weakeningtheelephantinIndia, check its increase.

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历史上,江苏地区频受风暴潮灾害袭扰,造成很大的损失。Historically, Jiangsu frequently harassed by storm surge disasters in fact, which actually caused huge losses.

如果你全心全意地投入工作,那么任何袭扰眼睛或耳朵的事都不会触及你的心神。If you direct your whole thought to work, none of the things that invade your eyes or ears will reach the mind.

虽然在森林里会面临危险,尤其是来自各种昆虫的袭扰,但是孩子们在空气新鲜的环境里生病的几率似乎更小。Despite dangers, from insects particularly, the children appear to get sick less often in these fresh-air settings.

这次空军的突击进攻和早先英国皇家空军和美国空军的对敌袭扰是不可分割的。The invasion's air operations cannot be isolated from the earlier offensives carried on by the Royal Air Force and U. S.

它包括了用来袭扰,损坏,或摧毁敌人所必需的物质,人员,通信,以及组织。It includes the material, personnel, methods, communications, and organization necessary to harass, damage, or destroy the enemy.

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部落差异、民兵组织领导人间的纷争以及流亡组织的袭扰,会使“过渡委”的任务复杂化。Tribal differences, disputes between militia leaders and the expected involvement of exile groups would complicate the NTC's task.

任何一个组织机构和管理者都需要尽全力保证他们所做之事能保持他们的工作环境不受暴力的袭扰。Every organization and manager needs todemonstrate that they are doing everything possible to maintain an environmentfree of violence.

结果爆发的全球性的感染就叫做全球流感疫情。长达百年,甚至可能数千年,人们就被这种全球性流感疫情所袭扰。The resulting global wave of infections is called a pandemic. Humans have lived with such pandemics for centuries and possibly for millennia.

从这个位置上,彼得仍然十分忌惮与强大的瑞典军队进行正面交战,所以他只能满足于对敌人小股单位的袭扰。From this position Peter, still hesitant about facing the formidable Swedes in open battle, contented himself with harassing jabs at small units of the enemy.

这种行为令人感到吃惊,“当海鸟有时间做其他事情时,比如找个伴侣,你却意外发现它们耗费时间,去袭扰邻居的幼雏。”You don't expect to see animals wasting time bothering with a neighbor's chick when it could be doing something that benefits its fitness like finding a mate.

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原油中转码头大多建在开挖和回填的江、海畔区域,常年受到江、海大风的袭扰,其施工质量比内陆要求更高。Most docks for crude oil transfer are built in excavated or refilled zones of river bank or sea shore. They are often attacked by strong winds and storms every year.

凶狠愚笨的老狼在山林中称王称霸,四处残害袭扰善良的乡亲们,王老爹运用他的聪明智慧,狠狠地惩治了这个十恶不赦的坏蛋。The vicious wolf called himself King in the hill and disturbed the life of the kind people who lived around the hill. Mr. Wang punished the wolf by his intelligence and wisdom.

然而,一旦你的生命机能出现故障,遭遇病魔无情袭扰的时候,也许你才意识到人的生命是如此的脆弱。However, once your life function appears breakdown, when encountering harassing attack of serious illness callosity, the life that perhaps you just realize a person is such flimsy.