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带弟和丹田依然是好朋友。Demonstrated with brother and is still a good friend.

储存火焰能量的位置在丹田,也就是小腹处。The seat of fire energy is in the hara, or lower belly.

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将双手放在丹田处感受自己的呼吸。Place both hands on your chest and feel your breath there.

这样,他儿子就经常趁他不注意,打他的丹田。So his son usually hit his Dantian when he paid no attention.

从那以后,我每次唱歌都能唱出丹田用力胸腔共鸣的感觉。Since then, every time I sing the songs can be hard chest pubes feel sympathy.

来自丹田的叫喊是你精力和勇气的巨大根源。The shout that comes from the belly is a tremendous source of energy and courage.

丹田在鱼塘捞到一个药水樽,怀疑这与死鱼有关。Demonstrated in the pond to a potion bottles, suspected to be connected with the dead fish.

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他的丹田犹如炸开了一般,随后里面出现一枚小小的火焰。His pubic region as whether blasted open generally, after aboard in emerge a very small flame.

丹田里面气的多少,决定一位武者的体力。Pubic region inside spirit of how many, determine the an ugg tall the martials physical strength.

带弟明白丹田心意,只要与他仍有联系就会满足。Demonstrated with brother understand intention, will satisfy as long as still have contact with him.

坚持轻松自然,步伐要稳重、轻灵,意想气贯入丹田、涌泉穴。Persist relaxed pace to stable, light and agile, we expected gas penetration pubic region, Yongquan.

丹田也是身体各主要肌肉群的对称中心。The hara is also the one's physical center from which all major muscle groups symmetrically radiate.

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肃恭向丹田和小凤说要带金香到上海检查身体,丹田不满。Ready and said to the abdomen and phoeny pertains to bring the incense to Shanghai check body, abdomen.

在体内运转了一周,寒冰居然进入了他的丹田位置。Revolved in ugg boots body for a week, the chilly ice incredibly got into his pubic district situation.

带弟要胁丹田成功后,突然晕倒,腿间淌血。After the success of the demonstrated with brother bludgeoned, suddenly fainted, bleeding between the legs.

闭上双眼,气沉丹田,想象双足深深扎根于大地。Closing your eyes and breathing into your belly, imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the ground.

丹田当年在宫中专为宫女滑胎,因而恐惧不敢行医,大家都劝丹田开诊。Demonstrated the tire slip in the palace for ladies, so fear didnt dare to practice, all demonstrated to begin.

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人的意识来自于丹田,要保持镇定和平和的心态,不要有焦虑和不安。One's awareness radiates outward from the hara, bestowing equanimity, stability, and freedom from doubt and anxiety.

那团外表冰冷其实炙热的火焰终于有第一团回归了丹田。The that regiment outward outward iciness in fact baking hot flame finally had premier regiment regression pubic region.

感觉象提取了800个笑眯眯。喘不上笑了。发自丹田的惬意。笑,满天要。Feel like the extraction of 800 smiling. Do not breathe on smiling. Happy from the bottom of the pubes . Laugh, to be heavy.