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花里胡哨还是朴实无华?Fancy with a flourish or plain?

家的快乐,朴实无华,但却那么的让人依赖。Family happiness, plain, but so people rely on.

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他的作品朴实无华,非常动人。His works were simple , unadorned and very moving.

像一幅画,没有边框,它朴实无华。Like a picture, no frame, see it's simple and plain.

教师是春雨,朴实无华,润化万物。Teachers are rain, unpretentious, all things gentle.

觉得朴实无华的木制弓箭难当大任么?Plain old wooden arrows just not getting the job done?

那是一个滑道,城市里的一座小山,一个朴实无华的小山,你知道的。It's a slide, a mountain in the jungle, a plain, you name it.

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也许他的一生朴实无华,但他如金子般的心永远闪光。He had a life, maybe humble, but shining through his big heart.

没有比拥有常识及朴实无华的举止更令人惊奇。Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing.

喜欢云海文字的朋友,看的就是云海朴实无华的文字。Like the sea of clouds text friends, see chastity text is a sea of clouds.

这令人目眩而又朴实无华的美丽南极冰景一直陪伴着我们。The stunning, austere beauty of the Antarctic icescape is our constant companion.

他谦虚、坦诚、热情,就像草原上的白杨,朴实无华。His modesty, frankness, enthusiasm are like the unpretentious alamo on grasslands.

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你落笔时会是颤抖胆怯的,还是鲜明果敢的?花里胡哨还是朴实无华?。Would your strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold? Fancy with a flourish or plain?

中西部人民勤劳,朴实无华,友好,甚至有些天真。Midwestern people are described as hardworking, free of pretension, friendly, and even innocent.

它们的线条总是那么独到,对于某些细节的朴实无华则是拿捏得恰当好处。Their lines are always original, the simplicity of certain details which are perfectly balanced.

因为没有用上任何精油或香料,朴实无华中就把基底油的特性发挥得琳璃尽致。Here is no added essential oil or any spicy, it simply shows up the characteristic of all the base oils.

软件工程的观念、方法、策略和规范都是朴实无华的,关键在于运用。The idea, method and strategy and norms of software engineering are simple and unadorned and the key is to use.

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做一座朴实无华的桥吧,让那些被流水和深壑阻隔的道路重新畅通!Do an unpretentious bridge, let afresh those roads which is separated by flowing water and deep abyss are unimpeded!

真正打动人的感情总是朴实无华的,它不出声,不张扬,埋得很深。——周国平。Really touched people's feelings are always plain, it does not say anything, and do not unassuming, buried very deep.

而那个线条圆润的竹筐,就更让人感觉到这处卫生间的朴实无华。And the bamboo basket with that fruity line, more those who let a person feel this is in toilet is simple and unadorned.