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幸运的是,对这个问题并非无计可施。Fortunately, there is a workaround to this problem.

大家都无计可施,全国最好的良医也没办法救她的病。Not even the best doctor in the country could cure her.

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医生无计可施,宣布苗青死亡的事实。The doctor there, announced MiaoQing the facts of death.

你会看到帕蒂在小路上踱来踱去,气愤却又无计可施,浑身发抖。You could see her pacing in the alley then, trembling with frustration.

说我们对美国的毒品问题无计可施是在逃避责任。To say that we can't do anything about America's drug problem is a cop-out.

人们都忧心忡忡地眼瞅着股票价格一路狂跌,无计可施。People have been anxiously wondering as they watch the plunging stock market.

“狼人基因”是无法被验证出来的,DNA测验对此也无计可施。There is no detectable "Garou gene" and DNA-testing does not reveal anything amiss.

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与麦道夫丑闻不同,克鲁格的陨落并没有使投资者们完全无计可施。Unlike the Madoff scandal, Kreuger’s downfall didn’t leave investors completely bereft.

动物保护区内大部分的鸟都是“问题宠物”,它们让主人无计可施。The majority of birds at the sanctuary are "problem pets" which overwhelmed their owners.

那么,面对如此精密的“利益链”是否就无计可施了呢?So, face such nicety " increase chain " whether with respect to at the end of one's wits ?

虎蹲在树下无计可施,便又央求猫把上树的方法传授给它。Tiger squatted under a tree can not do anything, they begged the cat up a tree way to teach it.

令人意外的是,许多婚姻心理咨询师推荐用分手拯救婚姻,哪怕是作为实在无计可施时的最后一招。Surprisingly, many marriage therapists recommend a separation, albeit as a measure of last resort.

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后来,癌症扩散了,尽管我的医生说他们已经无计可施,我却感到欣慰和安详。The cancer had spread and though my doctors said they could do no more for me I felt joy and peace.

他们谈了会儿争论了几天知道这个大坏蛋筋疲力尽无话可说无计可施。They talked and argued for days until the bbg was exhausted and had nothing left to say or to offer.

甲﹕噢,我明白你的感受。但也实在无计可施,你干啥不在报纸上登广告呢?A﹕Oh. I know how you feel. There's not much you can do about it. Why don't you put an ad in the paper?

流浪汉们则大多一字不识,面对自身的穷困潦倒,他们脑子里是同样的一片空白,无计可施。Tramps, unlettered types as nearly all of them are, face their poverty with blank, resourceless minds.

消费者购买了质量不好的产品,想换货或者维修时,就无计可施了。When the consumer bought products of superior quality, there is no way for them to exchange or repair.

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看到这个情形所有人都哭了,然而所有人都无计可施,只眼睁睁的看着废墟第二次坍塌。Everyone there cried, but they could do nothing but witness the second collapse happening despairingly.

我本来想找他借点钱的,可他这句话把我的口给堵上了,我无计可施。I should have asked him for some money, but his remark left me baffled, and I couldn't think of anything.

在无计可施的环境下,这两个人都认为只有向上帝祷告是独一之道。Not knowing what else to do, the two survivors agreed that they had no other recourse than to pray to God.