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有谁想受伤害?Who wants to hurt?

他伤害了我的感情。He hurt my feelings.

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谁可能受伤害?Who could be harmed?

这伤害了产业。It hurt the industry.

她伤害了我的感情。She hurt my feelings.

你还想再受一次伤害吗?You wanna hurt again?

我会伤害我的身体吗?Was I hurting my body?

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埃德加不会伤害我们的。Edgar will not hurt us.

这种区分带来伤害。This distinction hurts.

真对不起,我伤害了你。I am sorry to wound you.

我并没打算伤害你。I don't aim to hurt you.

是的,我总是自我伤害。Yes, I have self-harmed.

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他保护我使我没受伤害。He defended me from harm.

我们不会受到伤害。No harm would come to us.

太强的阳光会伤害我们,皮肤则可以保护我们免受日晒。Too much sun can hurt us.

我们两人都太易受伤害。We both bruise too easily.

重新安葬将会伤害到谁?Who would a reburial hurt?

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在他深深的伤害了我之后?After how badly he hurt me?

你尴尬吗,还是感觉受了伤害?。Are you embarassed or hurt?

她的感情易受伤害。Her feelings bruise easily.