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内讧的议员斥责他的提案不顾后果。The rebel lawmakers denounced his proposal as reckless.

此次疫情是政府监管不力和内讧的结果。It was the result of regulatory inaction and infighting.

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他们在中国的金钱诱饵下混战内讧,最后一一屈服于中国。This infighting with each other, by the Chinese money inducements, they all yield.

但是,21世纪初,国内却产生了极多“内讧”。However, at the beginning of twenty-first Century, China has produced many "faction".

内讧中巴尔德斯和贝尔特兰*莱瓦的兄弟,海克特竞争。The internecine struggle had pitted Mr. Valdez against Mr. Beltrán Leyva’s brother, Hector.

在超出一代人的时间里,既有政治造成了一系列不断的战争和内讧。For more than a generation politics-as-usual had produced an incessant series of wars and civil strife.

如果这个目标没有实现,联盟分裂,或者这些大项目出现了内讧怎么办?And if that target is not reached, the consortium unravels, or there is infighting over mega-programmes?

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我们必须了解是如何走到了现在这步田地,充满了敌对的内讧和种族仇恨。We will need to understand just how we got to this place, this land of warring factions and tribal hatreds.

这次内讧是自从哈马斯在一年前的内战中赶走加沙地带的法塔赫势力以来最严重的一次。The infighting is some of the most serious since Hamas routed Fatah forces in the Gaza civil war a year ago.

法塔赫资深官员沙阿斯认为,这种内讧会产生反效果,而且伤害到巴勒斯坦人的利益。Senior Fatah official Nabil Shaath says the infighting is counter-productive and harms Palestinian interests.

相比之下,刚吃过一场败仗的波斯军队却内讧连连。In comparison, the Persian army had just suffered from a previous defeat and some inner conflicts and divisions.

尽管“勇敢者”博莱斯瓦夫三世对统一波兰厥功甚伟,但亦正是他去世导致的争储内讧,令整个国家四分五裂。It was Boleslaw III Wrymouth that unified Poland and it was he that was to divide it on his death bed among his sons.

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南朝刘宋、萧齐两代是中国历史上皇族内讧严重而且集中的时期,这一时期的皇族斗争呈现出毁灭性、残酷性的特点。The Liusong Dynasty and Xiaoqi Dynasty was a special period in which serious civil strife happened in the royal house.

由于过多地暴露在聚光灯下,手里又握着大把的钞票,他们陷入了争吵不休、意志消沉和势不两立的内讧当中。Now that they were so much in the spotlight, and in the money, they fell into bickering, demoralized, warring factions.

对美国同性恋主教晋级的决定引发了最新一轮的痛苦内讧,而他本人也没有被邀请到Lambeth。The gay American bishop whose promotion launched the latest round of internecine bitterness was not invited to Lambeth.

在开始时,我借助一次正在进行的由内讧引起的战争潜行并通过几个警卫,打出了一条路去找到大门。At the beginning, I snuck by an ongoing battle between the two factions and fought my way through some guards to find a gate.

兰科夫表示,内讧甚至可能牵扯到金针日家族内部,显示朝鲜并没有外界普遍认为的那麽团结。Lankov said infighting could have even involved the family itself, warning the regime is far less united than commonly perceived.

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墨西哥湾漏油事件已经在很少公开相互批评的钻采行业引发了不平常的内讧。In an industry in which companies rarely criticize each other publicly, the Gulf disaster has touched off some unusual infighting.

也许紫金王朝的孩子们有一天会起内讧,会吵架,但是他们最终会因羞愧而低下头。Maybe the Golden Child comes home cranky one day, there's an argument and the younger brothers end up hanging their heads in shame.

“叛军内讧发生在最糟的时候,”社会党内一位领袖桑乔说。"The infighting among the contras is happening at the worst possible moment, " said Luis Sanchez Sancho, a leader of the Socialist Party.