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活版字粒在印刷之后放回字盘位置的操作。The returning of letterpress type to the case after printing.

无粉腐蚀只需一个步骤就制成活版的腐蚀方法。Powerless etching A method of etching letterpress printing plates in one step.

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线条锌版活版印刷用的线条或粗网半色调凸版。A line or coarse screen half-tone block etched on zinc for letterpress printing.

制活版印刷用的电版,需要正读负片菲林。A right-reading negative film is required for making letterpress printing plate.

陶氏腐法陶氏化学公司发明的一种无粉腐技巧。用来制造活版印版。Dow etching A powerless etching technique for letter-press plates invented by Dow Chemical Corporation.

线条锌版活版印刷用的线条或粗网半色调凸版。参阅锌电版。Zinco a line or coarse screen half-tone block etched on zinc for letterpress printing. see zinc engraving.

1440年左右,古腾堡发明了活版印刷机,从此以后规模化出版的图书开始改变人们的阅读书写习惯。After Gutenberg’s printing press came along around 1440, mass-produced books changed the way people read and wrote.

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电脑科技全面革新印刷方法后,活版印刷的盛况已消逝殆尽。Computer technology has brought a new revolution to printing techniques and letterpress printing has lost its luster.

以活版铅印和石印为主要方式的近代化印刷体系已经开始建立。The modern printing system has been established with typographic printing and lithographic printing as the main methods.

活版印刷术很有很多分支,今天我们收集了一些让人大开眼界的动物字母印刷术。There are many different branches of typography. Today we have collected some Amazing Animals Typography for your inspiration.

活版印刷术是使用和排列字母的艺术和技巧,它能创造出各种插图技术。Typography is the art and technique of using and arranging letters which created or modified using a variety of illustration techniques.

这就是为什么即使有些书是采用活版印刷,但是,活字印刷术从来没有象在欧洲一样代替木刻印刷术。So that was the reason why there were some books printed using movable type, but it never really replaced wood-block printing in the way it did in the West.

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在印刷技术中,把照相图象印在板上并蚀刻成一个凸印刷面,从而制成的活版印刷印版的处理方法。In printing, the production of a letterpress printing plate by printing down a photographic image onto a plate and etching it to form a relief printing surface.

由于活版或柯式墨的糊状性质和触变性的累积使它滞留在墨槽里而不流出来。Backing away Ink refuse to flow out of the duct because of the pasty nature and built-up of thixotropy of the letterpress or offset ink. Also called Hanging back.

本文致力于活版印刷生物芯片原位合成系统的设计与实现,旨在开发用于合成中、低密度DNA微阵列的自动化设备。A novel machine for in situ synthesis of biochip was developed based on the principle of typography printing in this paper, whose purpose is to fabricate media-low density DNA microarray.