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剩余价值规律。Law of surplus value.

那样就不符合规律了。Did not meet the regular.

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有什么规律吗So what's the pattern here?

另一个规律是平常。Another rule is averageness.

我喜欢规律还是有变化的工作?Do I like routine or variety?

这就是你意识的运作规律。This is the law of your mind.

他们每一次的变化规律。They change the rules every time.

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那么,周期性规律就讲完了。So, that's it for periodic trends.

它帮助规律你的血液循环。It helps regulate your circulation.

有时,市场变化有它自己的规律。It has a life of its own, sometimes.

金钱在社会上有自己的规则、规律,你对它瞎指挥,胡乱花,它会惩罚你。Money has its own rule in a society.

用这种方法拯救银行,显然违背了规律。That broke the rules of bank rescue.

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我们应当使日常生活规律化。We ought to regulate our daily life.

我们所见到的规律都与之相匹配。And the motion we see match with that.

我们应该要尊重市场规律,他说道。We should respect the market, he said.

宇宙运行的规律也会进化吗?Are the laws of the universe evolvable?

林分生长规律的研究和建模。Stand growth law research and modeling.

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人生第一次我的生活有了规律。First time, my life goes in orderliness.

此规律可由起球曲线反映。The rule was described by pilling curve.

这是一个刻画温度变化规律的方程。Well, this equation governs temperature.