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摆在金正恩前面的,是层峦叠嶂的困难需要他去克服。Kim Jong Un will have many obstacles to overcome.

车程虽长,但一路的高山层峦叠嶂,风景甚是怡人。It's a long but scenic bus ride over a high mountain range.

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大多数人认为见到了层峦叠嶂的山就认为是火山群。Most people think of mountains when they think of volcanoes.

这就是蒙大拿地区典型的夏日景色,层峦叠嶂,一片翠绿。This view is typical of a Montana Summer, green and mountainous.

在这层峦叠嶂之后的事件线索追溯到了几十年前。The chain of events behind this vast fabrication goes back many decades.

群山绵延如浩瀚海洋,层峦叠嶂,云雾缠绕其间。A vast expanse of mountains, layered over other mountains, and cloud striations.

站在极处远眺,层峦叠嶂的景色很是壮观。Seen from a very high and faraway place, rising layers of mountain peaks make a magnificent scene.

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阿尔山滑雪场位于内蒙古自治区内,紧邻层峦叠嶂的中蒙边界。It is in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region and near the mountainous border with Mongolia.

我们还追逐过路的游牧部落,他们经由喀布尔,前往北方的层峦叠嶂。We chased the "Kochi", the nomads who passed through Kabul on their way to the mountains of the north.

七峰罗列,摩天最高,层峦叠嶂,气势壮观。Peak out seven, and skyscraper highest peaks overlapping range upon range of hills, spectacular momentum.

湖面宽阔,清澈见底,水域面积340亩,四周群山环绕,层峦叠嶂,松柏苍翠,有林地684公顷,具有丰富的山、水、林等自然旅游资源的优势。The lake is wide and clear. Water area is 340 mu. Mountains around the lake, Forest area is 684 hektares, so it has abundant natural tour resources.

爬得越高,我们就越能好好地欣赏云南的美景,只见雾气中层峦叠嶂,轮廓渐远渐淡,最终完全融入了天空。The higher we rose, the better our view of the rolling hills of Yunnan, layer behind layer, each covered in a thicker and thicker veil of mist with the last one blending entirely into the sky.