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案子就是他们的工作经历。The case is what they do.

这个案子一直悬而未决。The case is still pending.

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审判官判决了这个案子。The judge decided the case.

他们的案子依然悬而未决。Their case is still pending.

这案子终于完结了。The case came to an end at last.

这个案子现在已交庭审理。The case is now before the court.

你知道,基尔斯,我的那个案子还没有了结。Giles, my case is not settled yet.

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我正在看这个案子的卷宗。I'm looking ather murder book now.

关于这个案子他全无所闻。He knew nothing regarding the case.

我感觉非常有希望赢这个案子。I felt odds-on in winning the case.

她向律师简要介绍了这个案子。She briefed her lawyer on the case.

后代把这个案子翻了过来。The posterity reversed the verdict.

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他们的案子在庭外和解了。They settled the case out of court.

有案子在第1号法庭里审理。There is a case on in Courtroom No 1.

“这并非是个一目了然的案子,”他这样说。"This is no clear-cut case, " he said.

我可以在我受托的案子中试一试。I can try that in this case that I have.

只有一件案子的凶手被逮捕。Only one case has resulted in an arrest.

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但刘小平的案子不同。That was not the case with Liu Xiaoping.

你去给我的案子延期是吧?You go and give me a continuance, right?

被捆好四肢的猪就放在案子上。The pig to be hogtied was on the counter.