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王宝钏是唐朝野史中痴情烈女的“楷模”。Wang Baochuan is the unofficial history of spoony women "model".

当然此乃口口相传野史,并不见正传。This is unofficial word of mouth, of course, does not see the True Story.

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不管眼下的历史能告诉我们多少有关肯尼迪的野史稗传。And whatever history now tells us about Kennedy's extra-curricular activities.

在中国的野史中,记载的世界第一个人是盘古。开天辟地,并以躯体,创造了这个世界。Panggu was the first living being and the creator of all in Chinese mythology.

据野史记载,在这漫长的旅途中还发生了一件趣事。According to the unofficial history, an interesting thing happened during the long journey.

研究鲁迅与野史的关系,是从一个新角度来研究鲁迅思想。Studying the relationship of Luxun and unofficial history is to study Luxun' thought from a new angle.

历史名人轶事汇编,实际上是汇集“正史”之外各类野史笔记、稗乘杂史中有关历史人物事迹的著作物。The compilation of anecdotes of celebrities in the history refers to those works concerning with their deeds.

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他关注野史,是为了唤醒人们的改革意识,以收取启蒙的效果。He paid more attention to unofficial history to waken people's reform consciousness and received an enlightenment effect.

这种情形的描写模式在后世史书、乃至野史笔记和小说中仍在持续沿用。This kind of describing mode can be still used continuously in historical records, sketches of unofficial history and novels.

这些具有颠覆性的结论以坊间传说、民间野史、论坛博客和小道消息的方式四处流出,并不需要严谨的证据和逻辑。In general, their arguments do not require precise evidence or supporting logic, they can be absurdly baffling, and provocatively stimulating.

他在论史学的范围,以及国史、野史和家史价值的论述上,具有创新性意义。His views on the range of historiography and the value of national history, folk history and family history are of great innovating significance.