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他一直在向她求爱。He has been courting her.

他跟每个遇到的女孩子求爱。He woos every girl he meets.

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向他人之妻求爱是一种罪恶。Their only one sin is unpardonable.

你知道她为什么拒绝我的求爱吗?Do you know why she refused my love?

不求荡气回肠,只求爱一场。Follows isolde, but not love a field.

哦!美丽的皮埃蕾特也有很多人来求爱!Oh! many a swain has fair Pierrette !

这些都是用来向教授求爱的武器啊。Weapons needed to woo the professors.

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从某种意义上说,这是一次二度求爱期。It was, in a sense, a second courtship.

他是这个女孩的求爱者之一。He is one of the courtiers to this girl.

有人窃笑,它会不会是一个求爱信号。Could it be a sexual signal, some snicker.

我不常给那些小玩意儿写求爱信。I don’t often write love letters to gadgets.

珍贵的蜂鸟求爱的录像。Video reveals rare hummingbird courtship dis.

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在过去的三个月中他一直在向她求爱。He has been courting her for the last three months.

凯普雷特夫人简要地说,你能喜欢巴里斯求爱吗?LADY CAPULET Speak briefly, can you like of Paris' love?

满足他的被爱的人的心愿的求爱者。In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster.

满足他的被爱的人的心愿的求爱者。He loved her now, with all his heart and with all his soul.

他在求爱期间展现了非凡的忍耐力。He showed his remarkable endurance throughout the courtship.

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当谈到求爱,女性更青睐华丽的男性。When it comes to courtship, females do favor flashier males.

他说他的第一次历经了一段长期的求爱。He described his first encounter as involving a long courtship.

每当看见雌鱼它都会直接游过去求爱。When he sees her, he goes straight to the courtship acrobatics.