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我就盼死神来了结我的天年。Then look I death my days should expiate.

这就是为什么富人们要到这里颐养天年,他们的到来为尼斯增色。That's why so many rich people have ended up here.

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从此以后他过着幸福的生活,终其天年。And he lived happily ever afterwards to the end of his days.

共产世界的老年人同样充满天年的生活乐趣。Old age is also full of life pleasure in the communist world.

试验结束后厂家告知A绷带为非功能绷带,B绷带为“天年素”功能绷带。After therapy it was told that Awas non function bandage and B was function one.

它之所以享尽天年,完全是因为对阳光、泥土、雨露充满了热爱。It dies a natural death, is totally full of love to sunshine, earth, rain and dew.

拉博埃蒂指出暴君以及他的主要帮凶很少活到天年。La Boétie notes that the tyrant and his chiefs rarely live out their natural ends.

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但当你脸上出现时光的深槽,我就盼死神来了结我的天年。But when in thee time's furrows I behold, Then look I death my days should expiate.

过去,在总统举行的仪式上被放生的火鸡一般会被送到当地的农场去颐养天年。In years past, turkeys spared in presidential ceremonies were sent to live at a local farm.

中东媒体说,他正好可以在沙特首都利雅得颐养天年。Middle East press that he could just enjoying their later years in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

在塔特的版本里,李尔王在退休后得以安享天年,而考狄利娅则和埃德加终成眷属。In Tate's version Lear lives out his last years in retirement, while Cordelia gets hitched to Edgar.

他原以为一直这样可以做到退休,然后拿着优厚的退休金颐养天年。He had thought that this can be done has been retired, and then took a handsome pension for healthy aging.

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按照我们的设想,他在老家能颐养天年,这就是他最好的结局了。According to our idea, he can take care of themselves in old age home, and this is the outcome of his best.

亚巴郎寿高年老,已享天年,遂断气而死,归到他亲族那里去了。Abraham gave up the spirit, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years, and was gathered to his people.

过去,在总统举行的仪式上被放生的火鸡一般会被送到当地的农场去颐养天年。At a ceremony Tuesday, Bush peered into Marshmallow's eyes, stroked its white fluffy feathers and patted its red head.

于是,女人必比男人年轻,在性爱与心理上才能保持同步,可是女人却又注定享有更多的天年。Women must be younger than men to keep abreast of him sexually and psychologically, so women are doomed to outlast their men.

不论您来马来西亚的目的是为了颐养天年、孩子教育、医疗服务或投资,我们都乐于助您。We facilitate long-term visa application for foreigners to stay in Malaysia, either for retirement, education, healthcare or investment.

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而当他们老了以后,他们会把贫民窟的房子留给孩子,或者租给别人,自己回农村老家的大房子里颐养天年。When they get older, they will leave their houses to children or rent to someone. Move back to hometown and enjoy the rest of their lives.

结论中药天年饮可改善衰老大鼠的生精功能,具有一定延缓衰老的作用。ConclusionTraditional Chinese medicine Tiannianyin can improve the spermatogenic function of aging rats, and has fairly anti-aging effects.

他艰苦奋斗了40年在宾夕法尼亚州的伊利周围建立了一系列无线电和电视发射台,现在退休在家坐享回报、颐养天年。He'd worked 40 hard years building a chain of radio and TV stations around Erie, Pennsylvania, and now was reaping the rewards in retirement.