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他想对任何人都专横跋扈。He tried to domineer over everyone.

他明白了,他过去过于专横跋扈He understands that,he has acted immoderately.

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暴虐和专横跋扈的癖性。A proclivity for violence and authoritarianism.

哇,你肯定是个被宠坏了的淘气鬼,一定非常专横跋扈。Oh, you must have been a spoiled brat. You must be really bossy.

他那么专横跋扈,没人愿意为他工作。He's so arbitrary and tyrannical that no one wants to work for him.

主管钟斯太太的确对打字室的姑娘们专横跋扈。Mrs Jones, the supervisor, really queens it over the girls in the typing pool.

主管琼斯太太的确对打字室的姑娘们专横跋扈。Mrs Jones, the supervisor, really queens it over the girls in the typing pool.

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试着让自己认为他一直都是一个傲慢自大,专横跋扈的男人。And tried to remind myself that when we first met I thought he was an arrogant, presumptuous little man.

对于许多中国人而言,日子过的仍然很苦,而且不少政府官员贪赃枉法,专横跋扈。For many Chinese, daily life remains a grim struggle, and their government rapacious, arbitrary and corrupt.

关起房门,私人空间里的近距离接触让狮子要求多多甚至专横跋扈。Behind closed doors when it comes to getting up close and personal Leo can be demanding and even domineering.

虽然我本能地要远离茶话会里专横跋扈的那些女人,但是在过去的日子里我也意识到我确实需要女性朋友。But though my instinctive nature is to run from bossy tea party attendees, I have realized over the years that I do need women as friends.

在克隆人战争期间,专横跋扈的奇·乔被选为主席,他承诺将保护潘托拉不受任何威胁。During the Clone Wars, the hawkish and manipulative Chi Cho was elected chairman with promises of protecting Pantora from any and all threats.

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然而通向实验的调查的道路是绝对不简单的,弗雷德里•L。霍姆斯在梅塞尔森的这种专横跋扈的叙述和斯塔尔的寻求里显示。Yet the investigative path that led to the experiment was anything but simple, Frederic L. Holmes shows in this masterful account of Meselson and Stahl's quest.

矛盾在于,美国自以为是在人类普遍价值的名义下所做的一切,在太多的其他国家看来,却是武断的、师出无名的、和专横跋扈的。The paradox is that a country that thinks of itself as acting in the name of universal values is seen by too many others as acting arbitrarily, or inexplicably, or arrogantly.

矛盾在于,美国自以为是在人类普遍价值的名义下所做的一切,在太多的其他国家看来,却是武断的、出无名的、专横跋扈的。The paradox is that a country that thinks of itself as acting in the name of universal values is seen by too many others as acting arbitrarily , or inexplicably, or arrogantly.

阿兰德龙在本片中扮演专横跋扈的凯撒大帝,德帕蒂约则扮演“高卢英雄”的好友奥比利克斯。The Arand dragon acts Emperor Caesar who in this piece carries matters with a high hand, German Pattee then approximately acts "the gaul hero" good friend Austria compared to Lueck Si.

由于政客们有时易于表现出过于刚愎自用或专横跋扈,因此,滑稽场面就成了最有效的传播媒介,它可以把问题、关注点直接曝光给普通公众。With politicians tending to become too egotistical or overbearing at times, comedy has been the most effective vehicle that indirectly exposes issues and concerns to the general public.

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可是,颟顸的霍氏集团对皇帝的新动向毫无察觉,反而依仗皇太后、皇后的特殊关系,变本加厉地专横跋扈、奢靡越制。However, the Khodorkovsky's Group of the emperor's new trends without notice, but relied on the Empress Dowager, Queen's special relationship intensify their efforts to Shemi the system.

康熙皇帝16岁那年,设计除去了专横跋扈,不肯还政的辅政大臣,开始亲躬大政,并成功地完成了四相稳定帝国政权的军事任务。When 16 years old, after trapping to kill the auxiliary minister, who were domineering and unwilling to return to complement policy power, he began to administer the country himself, and regime.