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一个国家?One state?

在这些国家里,继承问题都是家务事。All in the Family.

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打鼾者的国家?Nation of Snorers?

我们是一个国家。We are one nation.

一个充满抱怨者的国家?A nation of whiners?

有些国家还将发动战争。Some will go to war.

哪些国家被排除在外了呢Who does it exclude?

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我曾发誓效忠国家!I have sworn an oath!

它是一个陆海复合国家。It is a land-sea power.

国家访问如何安排?How is the state visits?

我们是一个贸易型的国家。We are a trading nation.

谁统治这个国家?Who govern this country?

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之后又有了国家。After that, came nations.

我非常热爱这个国家。I just love this country.

但没有哪个国家免遭结核的困扰。But no country is TB-free.

中国是国家资本主义。China is state-capitalist.

是为国家电力局筹资。For the State Power Board.

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泄露国家秘密的。He divulges state secrets.

后来,他逃离这个国家。He later fled the country.

这是一个法律淡泊的国家。This is an outlaw country.