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你能听到火车的鸣笛声吗?Can you hear the train whistle?

我们鸣笛与过往船打招呼。We spoke a ship with the whistle.

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蒸汽机车357号以木材为燃料升火鸣笛。SL 357 was firing by burning wood.

远处有一列火车鸣笛。Far away in the distance, a train whistled.

她听到远处火车的鸣笛声。She heard the distant cry of a locomotive horn.

发生什么事情的时候可以鸣笛通知制动工。One can whistle down the brakes when something happened.

为何火车鸣笛声会带来怀旧感?Why does a train whistle bring on a feeling of nostalgia?

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汽车、火车、舰船鸣笛,防空警报鸣响。Bus, train and ship whistle, aerial defence alarm resounds.

第二天一早,他被一艘正靠近小岛的船只的鸣笛声所吵醒。Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of

汽船向我们嘟嘟鸣笛时,甲板上的水手们饶有趣味地挥着手。Steamers tooted at us as sailors on deck waved in amusement.

甚至连警车鸣笛都无法把这只庞然的爬虫类动物从路中吓跑。Even police car sirens couldn't scare the big reptile off the road.

在接下来那天当中,警察或者救护车的鸣笛总是会让我神经兮兮。During the day, the sound of police or ambulance sirens made me jumpy.

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车得鸣笛声,人的议论声将我拉入现实,将那灵魂带入了这躯壳!The car was horn, people talk to pull me into reality, the soul to the body!

法律规定,汽车只有在警告他人有危险情况时才可鸣笛,不能因个人愤怒鸣笛。The Act has been on the statute book for 62 years but has never been enacted.

在上海,汽车鸣笛声比香港吵闹得多。Car horns blare far more blatantly in Shanghai than they ever do in Hong Kong.

苏珊每次开口说话,就像救护车的鸣笛一样,会发出刺耳的声音。Every time Susan opens her mouth, it sounds like the blare of an ambulance siren.

全中国的火车汽车汽轮停驶鸣笛致哀。While all the automobiles, trains, and ships in China were sounding their air sirens.

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更有飘着绿色旗帜的车群在城市中疾驰而过,为穆萨维鸣笛。Cars flying green flags speed through the city, honking horns for Mousavi." Dreyfuss wrote.

当地条例规定,不准在考点100米内鸣笛或施工。No honking or construction work within a hundred metres of a testing site—by local ordinance.

仅有的声音来自房屋警报,救护车的鸣笛声和救援工人搬动废墟的声音。Almost the only sounds were those of house alarms, ambulance sirens and rescue workers’ earth movers.