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谢谢您,曾祖母。重孙在此为您默哀。So, thank you. I'll mourn for you.

他带着他的两个重孙,偶尔去串门。He took his two great-grandson, occasionally visited.

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父买、子修建、孙儿卖,重孙街上当乞丐。The father buys,the son bigs,the grandchild sells,and his son thigs.

父买、子修建、孙儿卖,重孙街上当乞丐。The father buys, the son bigs, the grandchild sells, and his son thigs.

除此之外,她还留下了10个孙子辈和4个重孙辈的后代。In addition, she is survived by 10 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.

如今,这位老人的重孙就工作在位于印度的仁波切的寺院中。Today, the old man's great grandson works at Rinpoche's monastery in India.

泰勒有4个孩子、10个孙子和4个重孙。She is survived by her four children, 10 grand children and four great grandchildren.

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老人现在有四个重孙,以及六个重重孙,她的丈夫与1931年去世。She enow has four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Her husband died in 1931.

而这个家庭就是亨利·福特、他的儿子、孙子以及现在他的重孙们。The family was that of Henry Ford, his son, his grandsons, and now his great-grandsons.

并且您可以甚而有在那个的工作台面那里您的重孙出生。And you may even have that countertop to be there when your great-grandchildren are born.

在各种议论中,老赛地肉孜的重孙出生了,这是一个女孩儿。The great grandchild of Saderoz is born regardless of other people's gossip. The baby is a girl.

她育有四个孙子,七个重孙子和五个重重孙。She is survived by four grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and five great-great grandchildren.

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我老了……能在我老去前,满足我最后一个愿望,让我抱上重孙吗?You know I'm getting old. Can you satisfy my wish of seeing a great-grandchild before I breathe my last?

当我母亲88岁时,我们全家,包括她的孙子孙女,重子重孙在一起集会。Our family held a reunion when mother was 88 years old, with grandchildren and great-grandchildren attending.

在今年的圣诞致辞中,英国女王伊丽莎白二世谈到了重孙乔治王子降生所带来的幸福与希望。The Queen talks of the 'renewed happiness and hope' brought by her great-grandson, Prince George, in this year's Christmas message.

德-耶稣生于1893年9月10日,57岁开始寡居,她六个子女中有三个先于她去世,她还有11个孙子女和16个重孙子女。Born Sept. 10, 1893, de Jesus was widowed at 57, outlived three of her six children, had 11 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.

达斯现有10个孙辈和1个重孙辈,他一个当大学教授的孙女及其他亲人在学业上给予他很多建议。Das, who now has 10 grandchildren and a great-grandchild, is being advised in his studies by one of his granddaughters, a university professor, and other family members.

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阿林厄姆膝下6个孙儿女,16个重孙,21个曾孙,和一个玄孙,他们都住在美国,该疗养院说。He is survived by six grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, 21 great-great-grandchildren, and one great-great-great grandchild, all of whom live in the United States, the care home said.