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这些机组的工作年限都已超过40年。The units are all more than 40 years old.

而当酒贮放年限太久也会衰退而有醋酸味。A wine that is too old may also be vinegary.

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这些球员没有一个有着长的踢球年限。None of these players has a long shelf-life.

你的服务年限使你有资格领取养老金。Your years of service entitle you to a pension.

电梯的使用年限和故障率是不固定的。Elevator service life and failure rate is not fixed.

灯泡制作者使用热量来模拟使用年限。To simulate years of usage, bulb makers rely on heat.

固定年限到期后,你一般不会得到任何现金返还。At the end of the term, you typically get no cash back.

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硕士生的学习年限最长不超过4年。The duration of graduate student cannot exceed 4 years.

其修业年限一般需四至六年。Studying for a degree generally takes four to six years.

分株主根的生活年限最多为5年。The taproot of the ramets could survive for five years at most.

无形资产的摊销年限不得低于10年。An intangible asset shall be amortized for no less than 10 years.

但是对于其他的长期待摊费用,你必须根据使用年限进行摊销。Other expenses that shall be treated as long-term amortization fees.

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芭芭拉-亨利克斯是难民署目前服务年限最长的形象大使。Barbara Hendricks is the longest-serving Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR.

而对美国投资者来说——甚至对风险投资公司来说——十年都是个长期的投资年限。For U.S. investors?even VCs?ten years is a long-term investment horizon.

最近的经济衰退,令更多的人有延长工作年限的需求。The most recent recession has increased the need to extend working life.

机场滑行道桥建筑年限久,荷载大,断交难。The taxiway bridge have been built for long years and with high loading.

产草量方面,白花苜蓿的鲜草产量均较低,可能与生长年限短有关。Alfalfa with white flower had lower yield, because of short growth years.

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人的价值,不在生存的年限的长短,而在呈献的大老。Our value depends not on how long we live, but on how much we contribute.

风化层厚度随排矸年限的增加而加大。The weathering layer thickness thickens with the increase of dumping years.

英国的教育体系中的义务教育阶段是5-16岁,这是每一位学生在学校学习的最低年限。In Britain, education is compulsory for children between the ages of 5 to 16.