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我抬起头去核对,一种挫败感油然而生。I looked up to check, feeling off-balance.

他斜着眼睛看着那个姑娘,爱慕油然而生。He squinted at the girl, love rising in his heart.

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而这部优秀的电影也会让你的同情油然而生。And this brilliant film will enlist your sympathies, too.

去年刚经历过申奥成功兴奋的我,那一刻又有一种自豪感油然而生——因为我是一个上海人。I was overtaken by special pride because I am Shanghainese.

也许,一股征服自我的优越感油然而生?Maybe there's a sense of superiority for conquering the craving?

一个新的念头在他心中油然而生,他或许在其中可以获得瞬间的安宁。A new thought had struck him. There might be a moment's peace in it.

一种厌倦感油然而生,使身体更加抗拒睡眠的到来。I feel tired of all these things which makes me even more sleepless.

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假期有助我们重获油然而生的感觉和自我表达的感觉。Vacations help us regain that sense of spontaneity and self-expression.

用手轻抚着细腻的内饰件,一种满足感油然而生。Qing Fu hand with delicate pieces of trim, felt a sense of satisfaction.

当我看到这个乞丐倒毙街头时,怜悯之心油然而生。Compassion rose up in my heart when I saw the beggar drop dead in the street.

亲切,温暖的感觉油然而生。刚接到阿楚的电话,第一牧场已经开始下雪了。Got a call from one of my guides saying it started to snow in the first meadow.

瞥一眼金字塔,看见其美丽壮观的景象,敬畏之情就会油然而生。One glance at a pyramid can leave the viewer in awe of its beauty and splendor.

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如果你仅仅是姿色更上一层或性感尤物,你却缺乏油然而生的自豪感。It's a lack of pride you know would be there if you were just prettier, or sexier.

在荆棘路前,看着条条荆棘,不免退避三舍之感油然而生。Thorny Road in the former, looking at every thorns, can not avoid a sense of felt.

勇气油然而生!去抓获不在的猛狮,丢开眼前的老鼠。Here comes courage! That seize, d the lion absent, and run away from the present mouse.

当你俯视中国伟大领袖的雕像时,房间里一片寂静,心中的崇敬油然而生。A hush fills the room as you walk around looking down to see one of China’s greatest leaders.

我感到体内一阵发热,一份对自己的怜爱油然而生,不禁用交叉的双臂抱紧自己。I felt a warmth spreading through me, a kind of self-love, and my folded arms hugged me tight.

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主宰真宫的太白星将会带来油然而生的轻松心态。Venus, the pl that rules your fifth house of true loves, will be in a playful, spontaneous mood.

在水乡之上,鄱湖之岸,油然而生的只有那颗恬静温顺的境地。In the water village on the shore of the Poyang Lake, arise spontaneously, only the tranquil gentle.

主宰你真爱宫的金星将会带来油然而生的轻松心态。Venus, the planet that rules your fifth house of true loves, will be in a playful, spontaneous mood.