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和平时期也不能马放南山,刀枪入库。Never put the bayonets and guns away.

完成每月出入库。Finish monthly stocked parts statistics.

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公司电脑设备的出入库登记、发放。Keep record of our company's IT equipment.

影片必需先入库,才能借还。-。Videos must first put in storage, to circulation.

那是否收取费用?我知道一些商店会有一个重新入库费用。Is there a charge for that? I know other stores have a restocking fee.

同时还对配电网规划GIS数据的来源及入库进行了研究。And the data origin and data warehousing of GIS for DNP are also introduced.

经开区入库税金已扣除烟草数据。Laid-up taxes of Economic&Technology Development Zone excludes data of tobacco.

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通过分析发现水尺读数误差,对反推入库过程有较大的影响。The error of water gauge reading is found to influence the calculation process.

而使用现有的检测方法,在得到沙门氏菌检测结果之前,食品可能都已经装运入库了。With current tests, food could be in stores before salmonella test results are available.

书籍信息的修改,新图书的入库管理和图书的注销等。Books, information changes, the new warehouse management books and books of the write-off.

熟料入库链板输送机的正确设计是其良好运转的前提条件。It is the precondition of stable running that design clinker drag chain conveyor correctly.

使用户操作简单、快速、准确,实现入库单数据在AIS与MIS中数据交换。The data of warehousing lists can be transferred freely between MIS and AIS by this method.

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药品入库和出库必须执行检查制度。An examination system shall be applied for placing drugs in and releasing them from storage.

进行了生物滤池系统在低温下对官厅水库入库水生物预处理可行性研究。A feasibility study was conducted for treating Guanting Reservoir inflow by using bio-filters.

第三百八十四条保管人应当按照约定对入库仓储物进行验收。Article 384 The depository shall check the goods as contracted before accepting the warehousing.

三峡水库入库泥沙的减少,有利于发挥水库的综合效益。It is advantageous to develop reservoir's synthetic benefit for reduction the reservoir sediment.

支持排架,入库,库存控制和仓库项目中的所有的问题。Support the execution of sorting, warehousing, inventory control and issue of all warehoused items.

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并把这种方法用于三峡电站的入库径流预报中,取得了较好的效果。The method is used for the runoff forecast of the Three Gorges Station, and the result is satisfactory.

所有入库物料,由仓管员统一入指定位置,并作标识。All stored materials from the designated location warehouse controller of reunification, and for marking.

税款报解系统是将税票的开出、税金的交纳、国库的入库等信息进行收集、核对、编报的系统。It was described that the main function of tax-checkage system is to collect, check and work out tax data.