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但是这却使柏加的品牌形象黯然失色了。But the brand was getting tarnished.

现在,娱乐看起来使得工作黯然失色。The play now seems to eclipse the work.

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她的衣裙与女主人的相比显得黯然失色。Her dress paled before that of her hostess.

在聪明的姐姐相形之下,她变得黯然失色。She is quite eclipsed by her clever sister.

此人的美德让他的言词黯然失色。The virtue of theman elided with his words.

无数个月亮也黯然失色。That shames the splendour of a million moons.

月光以她的光华使星星黯然失色。The moon pales the stars with her brilliance.

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在聪明的姐姐相形之下,她变得黯然失色。She is quite eclipsed by her clever younger sister.

但是,杰克逊的成就使得埃尔维斯都为之黯然失色。Even Elvis, though, is overshadowed by Jackson's career.

莉莎的衣着使所有女宾的服装黯然失色。Liza's dress took the shine out of all the female guests.

不过在书中,罗斯福很快让鸽派人士黯然失色。Yet the doves are soon eclipsed in his book by Roosevelt.

他是一名杰出的运动员,但乔丹的才华令他黯然失色。He was an excellent player, but he was overshadowed by Jordan.

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你珍珠般靓丽的牙齿是否因为牙齿色斑而黯然失色?Have your pearly whites lost their luster due to teeth stains ?

在他的眼里,她卓然不凡,使其他女性黯然失色。In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex.

幽先生,您长得真俊,连女神在您面前都要黯然失色。You, you look really CSL, even goddesses in front of you must fade.

最终,最初的这家公司与其它财产相比黯然失色。Eventually, the original business was eclipsed by the other holdings.

自从商业化互联网初露曙光,技术就让内容黯然失色了。Since the dawn of the commercial Web, technology has eclipsed content.

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在疾步前进的欲望映衬之下,两党合作的承诺黯然失色。The pledge to be bipartisan is being eclipsed by the desire to act quickly.

即便是卡梅隆和克莱格的巡回演说,也黯然失色了。Even the David Cameron and Nick Clegg travelling roadshow has lost its zest.

这样做,只会令泛民阵营的道德光环黯然失色!That is regrettable. That would dim the moral halo of the pro-democracy camp.