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快乐是最好的美容术。Happiness is the best facelift.

美容术尽施于海伦脸庞。On Helen's cheek all art of beauty set.

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什么是激光美容术并发症?What is laser cosmetic surgery complications?

目的探讨颏部美容术的一种新方法。Objective To explore a new method for mentoplasty.

当我穿梭于世界各地,我见识了各种各样的自然美容术。When I travel across the world, I see all sorts of natural remedies.

摘要目的为临床下肢美容术及人类形态学积累资料。Objective To enrich the morphological basis for anthropology and clinical cosmetology.

纹身又是一件永久组成的无法消除的美容术,来改进某人的容貌之眼睛和嘴唇。Tattoos can also be permanent makeup an indelible cosmetic that improves the appearance of one's eyes and lips.

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激光美容术是利用激光的热效应对病损进行凝固、炭化或汽化。Laser cosmetic surgery is the use of laser thermal effect of the lesion to solidification, charring, or vaporization.

在印度有一件众所周知的事——美容术是建立在古老的秘诀和先人从经验中获取的知识上的。The one thing that is common to the whole of India is that the beauty culture is based on age-old secrets and the ancient wisdom of past experience.

除了在美容术上有名外,整形术还包括了改造术,协助术,显微术和烧伤的治疗。While famous for aesthetic surgery, plastic surgery also includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns.

专家研究发现,脚心美容与化妆美容、手术美容等方式相比,根本区别在于治本,是现在任何一项单纯的美容术都无法比拟的。The expert considers to discover, the soles of the feet of beauty and cosmetic, beauty, operation methods, fundamental difference is fundamental, is now a pure beauty of the incomparable.

结论颌面部动脉血管系统的解剖学资料,可为临床颌面部整形美容术提供了应用参考依据。Conclusions It is a beneficial reference for the approach of plastic operation in maxillofacial region, by investigating systematic anatomic features of maxillofacial region's blood supply.