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我们仍得小本经营。We were living on a shoestring.

他是个小本经营的店主。He was a shopkeeper in a small way.

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我们仍得小本经营。We still had to operate on a shoestring.

你对夫妇小本经营了个饭店。This couple ran a restaurant on a shoestring.

史密斯先生开始小本经营而后发迹。Mr.Smith began in a small way and piked along.

我的生意属小本经营,利润微薄。My small business operates on a razor-thin profit margin.

我们购买的甘菊油,可帮助小本经营的农民。Our trade in Camomile oil and water helps support small farmers.

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小本经营的商家,也能做成大生意。Shops doing Business with a small capital can also make great deals.

中国小本经营的商店常允许顾客砍价,其产品价格甚至可低过大型连锁超市。Mom-and-pop shops often allow haggling on prices, undercutting even big chains.

于是许多小店主便自我经营,增值税令这些小本经营者头疼。So a lot of shopkeepers are self-employed. Value Added Tax is a headache for the little man.

希尔福斯指出,在成立14年后,XCOR公司已经“超越了小本经营的范畴。After 14 years in business, notes Searfoss, XCOR has "moved beyond the shoestring operation."

小本经营者随时注意自己的积压,有时候甚至不惜亏本也要处理库存。From small businesses to follow its own backlog, and sometimes even have to deal with inventory loss.

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自己的小本经营里只要很好地体现了你的想法,就已经成功了一半。You can accomplish a lot if you direct your thoughts toward starting your own small business on the side.

有些很好的工作,你刚起头做的小本经营是不有可能做的。There are some great jobs that simply aren't possible to do in a small business that you're just starting yourself.

选择做“麻豆”的多数是大学生或白领,而她们的雇主则主要是小本经营的网络服装店老板。The models are mostly college students or white-collar workers whose employers are small online clothing stores operating on a shoestring budget.

项目组通过帮助笋岗一对下岗夫妇开办手工艺品编制店的方式,使得家庭式小本经营走上了市场经济经营模式的道路,创造了可观的收益。Cooperated with a couple who held a hand-made workshop in Sungang, SIFE SZU help the couple to master a modern business model and increase the income.

选择做“麻豆”的多数是大学生或白领,而她们的雇主则主要是小本经营的网络服装店老板。The models are mostly college students or white-collar workers, whose employers are mainly small online clothing stores operating on a shoestring budget.

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或许,明年会出现下滑的趋势,一方面是市场上会出现其他出版商,另外一方面,很多小本经营的书店虽然深受读者的喜爱,但也要凭尽全力才能生存。Next year, business may be down, and several publishers may merge, and certainly more of the poor, beloved independent bookstores will cling to life support.

我常常被头一回开饭店的人打动,他们似乎是靠小本经营起家的——使用二手设备,自己动手做翻新等事情。I am often impressed at how first-time restaurateurs seem to fit out premises on a shoestring – using second-hand equipment, helping out themselves with the refurbishment and so on.

“此诊所已经多年通过小本经营获利预算,而且领导研究的医生不断工作为下个五年研究工作筹资,”伯索尔说。"The clinic has got by on a shoestring budget for several years, and the doctors that lead the research are working constantly at funding the next five years of work, " said Bowthorpe.