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那个小姑娘真是伶牙俐齿。That girl was fluent in talking.

她本不需要这套书,但是这个挨家挨户卖书的推销员很是伶牙俐齿,硬把这套书卖给了她。种竹成林。A glib door to door salesman sold her a set of books that she did not want.

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但是,她的伶牙俐齿和匆忙下结论的习惯常常使她误人歧途。But, the her tooth and the rush habit of draw a conclusions usually make her mistake person's stray road.

她不能太伶牙俐齿,并且她必须是保守,因为我是个比较传统的人。"She cannot be too garrulous , and she must be conservative because I am quite traditional, " he revealed.

他在一篇博客中称iPhone是一个被神圣化的贫瘠、封闭花园,四周围满了伶牙俐齿的律师。He called the iPhone in a blog post "a sterile Disney-fied walled garden surrounded by sharp-toothed lawyers.

不过,他肯定拥有一副伶牙俐齿,因为仅仅过了几年,主教职位又再次成为他的囊中之物。He must have been a pretty sweet talker though, because he did manage to get his bishopric back after just a few years.

她凭借这样一副伶牙俐齿,再加上四两拨千斤的本事,后来也成了国会成员。it turns out that with that mouth on her, combined with her economic throw-weight, she too became a member of parliament.

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在掌握了一些事实和数字以后,消费者才能更好地应对伶牙俐齿的销售人员。Armed with facts and figures, customers are better able to deal with the often powerful arguments given by a salesman or saleswoman.

我们未必伶牙俐齿或才华出众,但我们都有一些东西可以与人分享,我们可以奉基督的名与人分享我们的一个技能或才干。We may not be silver-tongued or exceptionally gifted, but we all have something to give—a skill or talent to share in Christ's name.

说不定博伊德已经把她的火气平息下来了。你明白那个讨厌的矮鬼是多么伶牙俐齿。他每次都能把她说得心平气和的。Maybe Boyd will have smoothed her down by now. You know what a slick talker that little varmint is. You know he always can smooth her down.

他们说,像你这样一个没脸没皮、伶牙俐齿的动物,外加钱袋的力量,没有一条刑法能给你定罪。They said that no criminal laws had ever been known to prevail against cheek and plausibility such as yours, combined with the power of a long purse.

“你,混蛋!”夏雪气得浑身发抖,往昔伶牙俐齿的她,这一次竟然不知道怎么反驳。"You, bastard! "Summer snow morale entire body shiver, the early times Ling tooth Li Chi of she, unexpectedly don't understand how to respond critique this time.

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但一年后,克拉克重新回归,尽管他的伶牙俐齿已不复当年,多少有些令人费解,但许多人都称赞他的勇敢,包括其他的中风患者。But a year later, Clark was back and even though his speech was, at times, still difficult to understand, many praised his bravery, including other stroke victims.

“眼镜”、“四眼”、“教授”这样的绰号很烦人,但也没有给我留下什么永久性伤害。还击中练就的伶牙俐齿倒是在生活中的各个方面都挺有用的。The name-calling — "goggles", "four-eyes", "prof" — was annoying, but left no lasting scars. The sharp-tongued ripostes you develop are useful in all areas of life.