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我知道怎样射击,并且我枪法很准。I know how to shoot and I shoot well.

他们每天练习枪法。They practised marksmanship every day.

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还有,你的枪法很准。By the way, your marksmanship is quasi -.

他不只是枪法好,而且还机智勇敢。He was daringand resourceful besides being a fine shot.

为什么所有潜意识里的防御者都枪法都这么烂?Why are all the subconscious mercenaries such bad shots?

陈石仔和罗大全比枪法,不相上下。Old stone young and Luo Daquan compare marksmanship, equal.

这名狙击手的枪法很准,没人能逃过他的狙击。The sniper shoots so exactly that no one can escape his shots.

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今天来了点兴趣,就来谈谈枪法吧。Today, to the point of interest, to talk about your marksmanship.

30秒后有人像他们开枪,枪法准的出奇。Thirty seconds later someone shot both of them. With incredible accuracy.

黄鸣锋见这个哑豆枪法确实不错,便收下哑豆。Huang feng see this dumb bean marksmanship really good, then take dumb beans.

转化方法以叶盘法为主,辅助使用了基因枪法。Leaf-disc method and microprojectile bombardment were adopted for gene transformation.

在玩穿越火线时练枪法是从什么开始?When playing across the line of fire marksmanship training from the beginning of what?

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它的狂暴很快被赏金猎人詹戈·费特精准的枪法终结。The creature's trampling rampage was cut short by the marksmanship of bounty hunter Jango Fett.

俞显扬激怒渡边,要其与自己比赛枪法,渡边却让阿宝一起射击。Yu Xianyang angered Watanabe, to match it with his marksmanship, but let Watanabe Bao shooting.

通常,这样散兵被选择了根据预先的被证明的狩猎和枪法技能。Generally, such skirmishers were selected on the basis of prior proven hunting and marksmanship skills.

分给凯伦的是一支瞄准精确的狙击步枪,这支队伍里数她的枪法最准。Karen was assigned an elaborately scoped sniper rifle, her marksmanship scores being the best of any of them.

其实如果你的步伐掌握的好,就算你的枪法一般,那你的成活几率也很大的提高。In fact, if you have a good pace, even if your general marksmanship , and that your chances of survival are greatly improved.

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此时,他只能相信属下精湛的枪法。不过,由于他的部队只有200位穿着鹿皮装的拓荒者,所以他需要一个详密的计画。He could rely on his men's expert marksmanship , but with only 200 buckskin-clad pioneers under his command, he needed a plan.

目前外源基因导入玉米受体细胞的方法很多,最受瞩目的是农杆菌介导法和基因枪法。Agrobacterium and gene gun have aroused most attention among various genetic transformation methods for exogenous gene into maize.

什么说意识大于枪法?在水平相差不多。有预瞄、预判的玩家肯定胜率要高一些。That the awareness is greater than what marksmanship ? At the same level. A preview, predict the winning players certainly higher.