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很多雇主似乎都认为现在还没到招兵买马的时候。And many employers apparently don't think it is time yet.

严兆强还在中国不断开设新厂,招兵买马。Mr. Yan is constantly adding factories and employees in China.

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满怀信心的德国公司现在更加自如地招兵买马。Confident German firms are now investing and hiring more freely.

恐怖分子利用互联网招兵买马和策划攻击事件。Terrorists use the Internet to recruit operatives and plot attacks.

朝廷发布文告,下令招兵买马,榜文到涿县,引出了三位英雄。After a royal edict to recruit soldiers in Zhuozhou, three heroes surfaced.

而比武大赛只是韩先生用以招兵买马的手段,为他的毒品买卖服务。The competition is merely for Han's recruitment of to serve his international drug race.

跨国公司在中国裁员力度远小于他国,有些甚至在招兵买马。Multinationals are cutting back less in China than elsewhere — and some are even expanding.

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他放任哈斯德鲁巴招兵买马,并带着阿非利加人、西班牙人和高卢人向意大利进军。He had allowed Hadrubal to re-form and march into italy full of African, Spanish, and Gallic forces.

很多基金已在伦敦设立办事处并招兵买马,为这轮“潮涌”般的商机做准备。Many have been opening offices in London and hiring to prepare for this "tidal wave" of opportunities.

有几家银行目前正招兵买马,并给出诱人的薪酬福利,其中就包括奖金保障。A few banks are actively hiring and offering staff juicy packages which can include guaranteed bonuses.

塔塔咨询服务公司将办公场所设在米尔福德店不仅仅是为了接近客户,更是急于着手在美国研究生中招兵买马。TCS set up shop in Milford not only to be closer to clients but to begin in earnest to hire American graduates.

奥巴马说,关塔那摩拘留中心的继续存在成了伊斯兰激进分子招兵买马的一个首要工具。The president said the continued existence of Guantanamo is one of the top recruiting tools of Islamic extremists.

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他说,各国政府需要认真解决敌对势力赖以招兵买马的政治、社会和经济条件所造成的问题。He said governments need to confront the political, social and economic conditions that enemies exploit to win new recruits.

那就是猩猩和其他球队一直在自由市场所做得梦。四处招兵买马以及布置场的位置,都是在为了第二而奋斗。That's what LeBron and the rest of the dream free agents are all doing. Shuffling around and positioning, all still for second place.

在2003-04赛季,也就是湖人三连冠后球队首次在季后赛出局之后的一个赛季,湖人正在为下一次夺冠招兵买马。In the 2003-04 season, following the Lakers first Playoffs exit after three championships in a row, the Lakers were re- tooled for another run.

处在目前的经济衰退期,许多致力于发展新的通讯方式的公司却在不断招兵买马。In a time of widespread economic downturn, a number of companies powering a new form of communication are bulking up their teams with new staff.

在2009年底到2010年初,他一直在疯狂地招兵买马,可是有些店里面仍然没有存货。In late 2009 and early 2010, it was frantically adding staff and production facilities, but some stores still couldn't keep FiveFingers in stock.

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这些方式为恐怖主义分子招兵买马提供了借口,使我们的敌人袭击我们的意念更为顽固,同时还降低了其他人与美国合作的愿望。They serve as a recruitment tool for terrorists, and increase the will of our enemies to fight us, while decreasing the will of others to work with America.

除作为阿拉伯半岛基地组织高层军事指挥员从事活动外,拉伊米在为这个由极端分子组成的组织招兵买马的活动中也起了重要作用。In addition to his activities as AQAP’s senior military commander, al-Rimi has played an important role in recruiting the current generation of militants making up AQAP.

如果世界上许多地区继续处于绝望的境地,仇恨的情绪不断增长,那就会成为恐怖组织招兵买马之地,而恐怖将长期威胁美国和其他自由国家。If whole regions of the world remain in despair and grow in hatred, they will be the recruiting grounds for terror, and that terror will stalk America and other free nations for decades.