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企业发生存货盘亏,相应已抵扣的进项税额是否要转出?。Should Input Tax Credited be Paidback when Inventory Losses Occur?

因此,他们可以登记增值税,从而恢复他们的供应作出进项税额。They can therefore register for VAT and recover input VAT on supplies made to them.

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连亚细亚王色娄苛也以私人的进项,来供给献祭时所需要的一切费用。Even Seleucus, king of Asia, paid from his own account for the expenses of the sacrificial services.

那张观众选到的牌就在眼皮底下穿进项链,造成不可能的链接情况。The selected card visibly impales itself onto the chain, leaving it in an impossibly linked condition.

这可是一大笔进项,当你考虑到黑手党的办公花费很少时,就更是如此了。This is quite a profitable sum, especially when one considers that the Mafia spends very little for office supplies.

通用激光系统公司的ILS平台也是世界上唯一的CO2激光系统,可以在CDRH1类与CDRH4类之间进项转换。Universal's ILS platform is also the only CO2 laser system in the world that can be converted between CDRH Class 1 and CDRH Class 4.

未分别核算或者未准确核算进项税额的,由主管税务机关进行核定。If any input tax amounts fail to be calculated separately or calculated accurately, the competent tax authorities will verify the same.

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中国的发言人通常不会承认可供解放军利用的任何预算外进项的来源。Chinese spokesmen usually do not acknowledge any sources of extra-budgetary income that add to the amount of money available to the PLA.

“如果一个干洗店开价过低或是进项不足,节省开支的方法之一就是减少蒸馏次数”Pozniak说。"If a dry cleaners is not charging enough or not making enough money, one way to cut back on costs is not to distill as often, " says Pozniak.

为了对中国每年真实的国防开支做一个准确的估计,每一项独立的预算外进项每年都必须被明确评测。In order to make an accurate estimate of actual Chinese defense expenditures each separate source of extra-budgetary income must be evaluated for each specific year.

其他预算外进项来源包括来自中央和地方用于防卫动员的准备工作、征兵以及复员安排的资金。Other sources of extra-budgetary income include funds from the central government and local governments for defense mobilization preparations, conscription, and demobilization.

增值税转型过程中,由于对购进固定资产进项税额抵扣政策的不同,必将引起相关财务指标的变化。During the transformation of value-added tax, the different credit policy of input value-added tax when enterprises buy fixed assets will cause some financial indexes to change.

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删除了有关不得抵扣购进固定资产的进项税额的规定,允许纳税人抵扣符合条件的购进固定资产的进项税额。Eliminate the rule that the Input Tax incurred on fixed assets is not creditable against output tax and allows the taxpayer to deduct the input tax on the qualified fixed assets.

40从事废旧物资经营的增值税一般纳税人收购废旧物资,有按收购凭证上注明的收购金额计算进项税额予以扣除的权利。Normal VAT payers doing old and waste materials business have the right to require deduction of input tax calculated on the money amount for purchase indicated in the purchase document.

无法确定该项进项税额的,按当期实际成本计算应扣减的进项税额。Where such input tax credits cannot be ascertained, the amount of input tax credit that should be deducted should be computed according to the actual production cost in the current period.

因当期销项税额小于当期进项税额不足抵扣时,其不足部分可以结转下期继续抵扣。If the output tax for the period is less than and insufficient to offset against the input tax fort -he period, the excess input tax can be carried forward for set-off in the following periods.

因当期销项税额小于当期进项税额不足抵扣时,其不足部分可以结转下期继续抵扣。If the output tax for the period is less than and insufficient to offset against the input tax fort -he period, the excess input tax can be carried forword for set-off in the following periods.

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第二,软件企业最宝贵的资产是人才,软件产品开发过程中直接人工的投入在产品成本中占很重要的部分,但这部分无法抵扣相应的进项税额。Secondly, the most valuable asset of the enterprises in the line of software is the talented employees, whose efforts account for the lion's share, but these can not be covered by the Tax Deduction.