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死得其所,流芳百世。The end makes all equal.

为祖国的利益而献身,就是死得其所。Devoted to the interests of the motherland, is It is a worthy death.

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世界上最有用的学问是告诉我们怎样死得其所。The most useful learning in the world is that which teches us how to die well.

为祖国的利益而献身,就是死得其所。For the benefit of the motherland, dedication, is a fair death honors the whole life.

女儿秀芬死得其所,为了保家卫国牺牲自己,谢乃恩为她自豪。Daughter Xiu Fen to sacrifice themselves to protect our homes and defend our country It is a worthy death.

“不要再这样了,先生,”他说,一边握着乡绅的手,“他是为履行船长和船主赋予他的职责而死的,死得其所。"Captain, " said the squire, "the house is quite invisible from the ship. It must be the flag they are aiming at.

生命的意义不在于寿命的长短,而在于是否活得有意义和死得其所。Life significance doesn't lie in life length, but in whether the life has significant meanings and dies for the value.

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但是我们想到原创的果实,想到大多数抄袭创意的危害,我们为原创而死,就是死得其所。But such sacrifices are worthwhile at the thought of harmfulness of plagiarism. Even if we die for originalism, it is quite reasonable.

其中的一个叫袁军的评论是,“对利比亚前领导人,中国人民的好朋友,卡扎菲的死表示深切哀悼,他死得其所”。"Deeply mourn Libya's former leader Gadhafi, friend of the Chinese people. He died a heroic death," read one comment, signed "Yuan Jun."

其中的一个叫袁军的评论是,“对利比亚前领导人,中国人民的好朋友,卡扎菲的死表示深切哀悼,他死得其所”。"Deeply mourn Libya's former leader Gadhafi, friend of the Chinese people. He died a heroic death, " read one comment, signed "Yuan Jun."

至少没被人发现是他自己毁了他的工程,至少他死得其所,人们到底还是认为他是英雄。At least no one found out that he was destroying his own project. At least people got to see his death the way it should have been seen, as heroic.

2007年汉森聚合物公司被世界水泥行业龙头德国的海德堡公司收购,它应该是死得其所了。There is little cause to bemoan the takeover in 2007 of Hanson , an aggregates company, by Heidelberg, a German company and a world leader in cement.