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图为7月14日,石庙沟工区职工雨后检查隧道顶部。Staff of Shimiaogou Section checking up the tunnel roof on July 14th.

同意日立环球公司在加工区用地范围内配套建设厨房。VII. HGST was approved to construct supporting kitchen within the lot in SEPZ.

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建立普通公路机械化养护工区对提高机械化水平有着重要意义。It is very important for mechanization maintenance area to develop the maintenance level.

在兴城工区进行了精细的高分辨率地震资料解释方法应用研究。Fine high resolution seismic data interpretation was carried out in Xingcheng survey area.

孟加拉国在20世纪80年代初期就开始设立出口加工区,并取得了较好成效。Bangladesh is no exception, who set up EPZ in the early 80s in the 20th century and it works well.

根据加工区的发展需要,经国务院批准,可扩大用地范围。EPZ may be extended on the basis of the need of development of EPZ and with approval of State Council.

监督各工区的物料使用情况和不合格品的处理情况。Track and monitor material using status for each work shop. and monitor non-confirming material disposal.

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因此研究和优选出适合鄂北工区的水泥浆体系显得尤为重要。So, it's particularly important to select one kind of cement slurry system suited for the ERDOS gas field.

在此基础上,对工区内的礁滩储层进行了细致地地震检测与流体识别研究。Based on this, the reef and bank reservoirs are studied over the seismic detection and fluid identification.

高速公路管理处不设置养护工区,不留养护人员,不配置任何养护设备。The expressway department no longer set up the work area, hire maintenance workers and buy maintenance equipment.

小壕兔工区的气藏属于典型的岩性气藏,砂体薄,岩性横向变化大。Thin sand body and drastic lateral variation of lithology characterize lithologic gas reservoir in Xiaohaotu area.

工区值班人员对当班出勤人员进行排查,严禁酒后、精神不振的职工上岗。Work area on the duty of attendance on duty personnel investigation, non-drinking, lack of energy of the staff induction.

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隐伏断层切穿工区蓬莱镇组的泥页岩盖层,油气保存条件受到一定程度的破坏。Drape of mud and shale of J_3P was pierced by concealed fault and it destroys petroleum reserved condition to some extent.

赫扎里巴克,达卡的皮具加工区,正好位于一个人口稠密的居住区中间。Hazaribagh, Dhaka's leather processing zone, is right in the middle of one of the most densely populated residential area.

论文利用野外露头资料和钻、测井资料,制作人工合成地震记录,对工区进行了地震资料解释。Based on data of outcrop, drilling and logging, we made synthetic seismogram, and using them in seismic data interpretation.

但对于复杂类型储层或井点较少的工区,井间储层变化存在较大的不确定性。But for complex type reservoir or lesser wells in the work area, reservoir changes between wells exist biggish indetermination.

除安全保卫人员和企业值班人员外,其他人员不得在加工区内居住。Except security personnel and persons on duty in the enterprises, no other persons are permitted to live in the Processing Zone.

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上覆新生界主要分布于工区的西南部,地层比较齐全,工区东北部大部遭受剥蚀。The overlying Cenozoic rocks are mostly distributed in the southwest part of the block and nearly denudated in the northeast part.

地处竹城公路旁的城步茅坪镇大雁头工区,仍保留着一批古建筑。Bamboo is located next to the highway town of Maoping Town Dayan first step work area, still retains a number of ancient buildings.

因此,工区内烃源岩的展布很大程度上控制了油气的分布特征。As a fact, the characteristic of the oil and gas distribution is mostly affected by the expanded form of the hydrocarbon source rock.