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雄性孔雀鱼与食蚊鱼一样,臀鳍会演化为生殖管。Similar to G. affinis, the anal fin of male would develop into a gonopodium.

背鳍、脂鳍和尾鳍稍带浅黄色,胸鳍、腹鳍和臀鳍灰白色。Dorsal fin , tail fin and fat fins slightly yellow, pectoral fin , and ventral fin Tunqi gray.

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东半球的淡水鲇鱼,体表无鳞,有类似鳗鱼尾鳍的很长的臀鳍。Old World freshwater catfishes having naked skin and a long anal fin more or less merged with the eellike caudal fin.

东半球的淡水鲶鱼,体表无鳞,有类似鳗鱼尾鳍的很长的臀鳍。Old world freshwater catfishes having naked skin and a long anal fin more or less merged with the eellike caudal fin.

雄鱼的臀鳍鳍条特长,交配季节两颌和鳃盖会长出黄色的珠星。The male shows elongated rays in its anal fin and yellow pearl organs on the jaws and opercula during breeding season.

背鳍和臀鳍修长,伸延至圆浑的尾鳍位置,胸鳍有一对尖锐的锯齿状硬棘。The dorsal and anal fins are long and stretch backwards to its rounded caudal fin . There is a pair of sharp and serrated spines in its pectoral fins.

一种小的锥形管正好位于臀鳍之前,通常只有在产卵的时候或之前一点会被看见,期间配子会被排出。A small conical tube located just ahead of the anal fin and usually visible only during, or shortly before, spawning, through which gametes are expelled.

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可根据臀鳍的形状来鉴别青海湖裸鲤的雌雄,在繁殖期间,雄性个体在臀鳍部位出现明显的珠星。The sex can be identified base on the shape of anal fin, and there are some obvious pearl organs on anal fin of male individuals during reproduction seasons.

躯干一般全黑或灰色,每逢繁殖季节雄鱼体色便会转为深黑色,背鳍、臀鳍和尾鳍边缘泛蓝白色。The body colour is generally solid black to greyish. During spawning season, males exhibit dark black body colour and their unpaired fins are lined with bluish edges.

神仙鱼的体型既高又扁,有着向后舒展的长长背鳍和臀鳍,常以虾、蠕虫等为食,体长可达12厘米。The Angel Fish has an elongated and flat shape with long dorsal and anal fins extending backwards. It usually feeds on shrimps and worms and can measure up to 12 cm long.