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自动零位跟踪功能。Have functioNS of automatic zero follow.

重力值是通过使横臂恢复零位而测定的。The gravity is measured by nulling the beam.

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高可靠高速度的零位参考信号。High reliability and speed of zero references.

在每一移位的最低位置插入零位。Inserts a zero bit in the lowest position on each shift.

提出了一种新颖的三维零位对准标记。A novel three-dimensional zero-reference system was proposed.

零位测量法是一种源自于物理实验中的科学研究方法。"0" signal method is a scientific research method in physics.

设计了一种全新的钢卷尺自动切零位系统。A brand-new automatic zero-cutting system of steel tape is designed.

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显示器提供零位偏差性能,不需要校准。Monitors provide zero-drift performance and do not require recalibration.

用于数控机床零位补正和信号分割。Used for zero position correction of CNC machine tool and signal division.

变送器在测量前,应校核它是否发生了“零位漂移”。Before measurement the transducer must be checked for its "zero position shift".

在此基础上进行了对称式零位刻线序列的设计。The design of the symmetrical zero position reticule series is carried out on the basis.

零位平衡系统是靠静电力来平衡磁力而造成的。A null-balance system is provided by balancing the magnetic forces by electrostatic forces.

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在磁碟上建立具命之零位元组的唯一暂存档案,然后传回该档案的完整路径。Creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on disk and returns the full path of that file.

并讨论了倾斜试验中常出现的零位不稳定性。The instability of zero position found in the inclining experiment is also discussed in the paper.

零位校正误差是重力仪除标定以外最主要的误差来源。Besides standardization, zero correction error constitutes the most common error source of a gravimeter.

从逆M-矩阵具有幂不变的零位模式出发,获得了分块逆M-矩阵的一个性质。According to M-matrix possessing zero-pattern of fixed power, a property of a partition inverse M-matrix was derived.

通过非球面的零位补偿法,完成了对矩形大口径离轴非球面镜的检测。By means of null compensator testing, an off-axis aspherical mirror with a lager-aperture rectangle is tested successfully.

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当物体上没有零位移区域时,双曝光全息干涉图上便找不到零级条纹。If there are no areas with zero-displacement on an object, there exist no zero-order fringes on the holographic interferograms.

因为陀螺是一种积分装置,所以信号发生器的零位灵敏度影响测量精度和测量分辨度。The signal generator null sensitivity affects the accuracy and resolution of measurement because the gyro is an integrating device.

该序列在零位移附近其汉明相关值为零,在任意位移下具有和素数跳频序列相同性质。The value of Hamming correlation is zero near zero shifting. The FHS has the same natures as prime sequence when shifting is arbitrary.