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英国可以昂首挺胸了。The nation can hold its head up high.

“当然,我买到了!”我昂首挺胸的走着。"Sure, I did! " and I walked head up.

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昂首挺胸地走在奔三的康庄大道上!High- spiritedly walking on the way to 30.

我昂首挺胸地看着其他同样能够担当的人,那种英雄相惜的眼神,我懂的,“瞧我买的东西,我现在也是能担当的人了。”I'm responsible now too. Just look at my groceries.

我叫她记得昂首挺胸—我告诉她不要伤心。Eg. I told her to keep her chin up. – I told her not to be sad.

我希望我的孩子,作为美国人,能够昂首挺胸。I want my children to be able to hold their heads high as Americans.

另外,昂首挺胸站着的人更迷人。As an aside, people who stand tall and confident are more attractive.

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因此我昂首挺胸,随意走到你面前。That is why I hold my head high and carelessly come into you presence.

我只需要昂首挺胸,在下一场比赛中再次尽最大的努力。I just keep my head high and push as hard as I can in the next race again.

但愿到那时,我们都能昂首挺胸,别再让人说贼眉鼠眼了。Hopefully, by that time, we were able to heads held high, do not make that a.

他们的父母亲排在最前面,昂首挺胸地站着。The father and mother were at the head of the pack, standing proud as could be.

她昂首挺胸,一副自豪的样子,因为她终于有了自己的“鬃毛”了。She was very proud, and even strutted as she walked, because she had a "mane"now.

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而当他昂首挺胸漫步在舞台上,几乎看不出步履艰难及传说中的可怜相。But as he struts and sashays across the stage he's hardly the hobbling, pathetic figure of lore.

出租小巴士一路把我带到庄园门口,两个武装警卫昂首挺胸,向我敬礼致意。As I pulled up to the gates in a hired minibus, two armed guards straightened their backs and saluted.

相信自己拥有独特的天赋,能够去影响别人,然后昂首挺胸做人。Know that you have unique gifts that can make a difference for other people and hold your head up high.

当你昂首挺胸疾走的时候,亲爱的朋友,请留神那脚下的石坎或断沟。Rush heads held high when you time, dear friends, please pay attention at the foot of the ditch or off.

只见灯光刹那间暗下来,隐隐约约可以看见演员们昂首挺胸、信心百倍地走上舞台。Saw a flash light down the dark, vague actors can see heads held high, stepped onto the stage with confidence.

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还刻有面对面双龙,昂首挺胸,姿态威武,佩戴保平安,添富贵。Also with face-to-face, keep your chin up, dragon and wearing protect peaceful gesture majestic, add in riches.

马修在音乐和孩子们的祝福声中昂首挺胸、微笑上路。Matthew started his journey, helding his head up and smiling, with the music and blessing words from his friends.

可是这时,菊花却没有倒下,它昂首挺胸,娇小的身躯在这时却显得异常高大。But then, it did not fall chrysanthemums , heads held high, petite body at this point in time it was extremely tall.