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首先,戳记携带一个日期。First, stamps carry a date.

戳记为哪个资源而生成。The resource for which a stamp is minted.

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邮戳是印于邮票上的官方戳记。Postmark is an official mark printed over a postage stamp.

为了使脏检查正确工作,每个对象都必须保持一个时间戳记。For this to work properly, each object must hold a timestamp.

这是在上一次检查的时间戳记基础上被检查的。This is checked based on the timestamp of the last time check.

当然,校验一个戳记所需的时间只是一秒的一小部分。Checking a stamp, of course, takes a tiny fraction of a second.

用户可能会决定认为比特定期限更早的戳记是非法的。A user may decide to consider stamps older than a certain age invalid.

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消息窗口构件,显示已记录日志的时间戳记数A message widget that shows the number of timestamps that have been logged

但是,如果他们每个人都使用一个随机因子,那么完整戳记将是不同的。But if each of them uses a random salt, their complete stamps will differ.

所找到的前导零的数目就是特定戳记的比特值。The number of leading zeros discovered is the bit value of a particular stamp.

在纸页上端的方块橡皮图章戳记上,他们姓名的首字母仍清晰可见。Their initials were still legible on the boxshaped rubber stamp at the top of the page.

如果戳记没有真正地使用声明的前导零比特进行散列,那么它就是非法的。If the stamp does not really hash with the purported leading zero bits, it is not valid.

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那么这个以艺术家本人拇指指纹为印的戳记,是否可以超越文化差异呢?The thumbprint of the artist can act as the signature stamp transcending cultural differences?

那么这个以艺术家本人拇指指纹为印的戳记,是否可以超越文化差异呢?Is it possible that this work, a stamp of the artist's thumbprint, transcends the cultural divide?

另外,一旦生成戳记,我不希望每一个想给我发送邮件的垃圾邮件制造者都能共享它。Also, once minted, I don't want a stamp to be shared among every spammer who wants to send me mail.

仓储部门的出库、入库单等单据填写错误不得撕毁,加盖作废戳记后另起新页填写。Warehousing sector should stamped the wrong-filled list rather than tear it up, then fill a new one.

持合法入境签证或戳记之外国护照及统一证号基本资料表亲自来本行办理。Apply in person at the branch with a legal entry permit or foreign passport with a valid entry stamp and taxpayer ID.

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第十六条各类邮件资费的交付,以邮资凭证或者证明邮资已付的戳记表示。Article 16. The payment of postage on various postal materials shall be indicated by postage certificates or by postmarks showing postage paid.

当银止兑付收票时要夺以登记,也就是说,银止要用某类戳记盖正在收票上,收票就不会再使用了。When a bank makes a payment on a check, it cancels the check. That is, it marks the check with some kind of stamp so that the check cannot be used again.

埃尼斯一直都不知道杰克出了意外,直到数月之后,他寄给杰克的明信片被盖上“收件人已故”的戳记退了回来。Ennis didn't know about the accident for months until his postcard to Jack saying that November still looked like the first chance came back stamped DECEASED.