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殊不知,里奥哈也生产少量出众的白葡萄酒。However, Rioja also produces rare amazing white wine.

我在自找苦吃,殊不知我只爱娶我的男人。I am looking for a pain I just love my man to get married.

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殊不知出语谨慎的意义何在。It's just a shame she never learned what discretion means.

殊不知自身漏洞百出早已呈老态龙钟之态。Not knowing their own flaws is already doddering attitude.

殊不知车开的越快,它就需要越长的制动距离。The faster a car is traveling, the longer it takes to stop.

殊不知,无论出于什么原因,这种方法都是不实际的。Whatever the reason, this approach is simply not practical.

殊不知张万川早已变节,成为叛徒。Little imagine Zhang Wanchuan defection, already become a traitor.

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殊不知有才无识最难过,平平安安过百年。But talent without knowledge of the most sad, flat Ann over 100 years.

殊不知老顾却曾经被叛徒出卖,暴露了身份。Little imagine old gu but ever been traitor sold, exposed the identity.

沈熹在合同上签了字,殊不知这是之洲设置的“陷阱”。Shen Xi signed the contract, but I do not know this is a trap set in europe"."

一路看似顺风顺水,殊不知生死降临。Look all the way seem downwind with the stream, little imagine life and death arrives.

殊不知午夜梦回时,久久萦绕心头的淡淡的哀伤就是由于随意地对爱情说保持。Little imagine mid-night, long haunting light sorrow is because of love said give up easily.

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殊不知,说此话者的本意是讽刺镇长大人的哟。Little imagine, the original idea of the person that say this word is acid alcalde adult oh.

殊不知从一开始就是这种正常的饮食和锻炼习惯导致他们多余肥肉的产生。But the normal eating and exercise habits are what resulted in the extra weight in the first place.

殊不知“豪门”暗藏的凶险,就像古代的深宫。They barely seem to realize that the danger hidden there, just like the ancient inaccessible palace.

所以有很多被挫折所击倒而沉迷的人,殊不知这是一个多少巨大的机会放在面前。The many men beaten by frustrations and become lost have no idea that a giant opportunity is at hand.

这些人大多只为追名逐利,殊不知那打字机前的写作过程是如此漫长而孤独。In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not long hours alone at the typewrite.

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这些人大多数只为追逐名利,殊不知那打字机前的写作过程是如此漫长而孤独。In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hours alone at the typewriter.

殊不知这样不仅加大了你的工作负担,也让你的家庭其他成员没了足够的信心。That mentality not only overloads you with work, it doesn’t give enough credit to your other family members.

怀疑自己是缺乏自信的表现而怀疑仇人很多时候是因为缺少信任殊不知这种怀疑常常会导致我们意想不到的恶果。Self-skepticism is the symptom of lacking confidence while doubting others is due to the lack of trust in them.