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他只会帮倒忙。His help just causes more trouble.

不要再说了,你只会给他帮倒忙。Don't speak, you will do a disservice to him.

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当他们试图帮忙的时候,总会帮倒忙。When they do help with the work, it isn't good.

低卡路里饮食是典型的帮倒忙。Low Calorie diet plans are simply counter-productive.

他确实是想帮忙,然而事实上他只是帮倒忙。No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way.

因为慢慢你会发现你无疑在给你的男性魅力帮倒忙。Because, slowly but surely, you are doing your gender a disservice.

生活中总有人会为你帮倒忙,这时,你不用去责怪别人。Life always someone for you disservice this time, you do not have to blame someone else.

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后者是在西班牙语里意为“圣婴”的厄尔尼诺现象,多头们希望这个小男孩在帮倒忙方面能够高抬贵手。They hope the latter, the weather pattern called El Nino, 'the boy, ' will go easy on them.

皮尤调查中心的调查同时表明频频出现于媒体反而是给自己帮倒忙。The Pew survey suggests that the frenzy of media coverage of Mr Obama is creating a backlash.

求职者在简历中包含过量的信息是在给自己帮倒忙。Job seekers do themselves a disservice when they send out résumés with more information than they need.

我们曾说,布朗标志性的削减附加税政策只会帮倒忙,它是一场昂贵的错误。We said at the time that Brown's flagship VAT cut would only make things worse and would be an expensive failure.

我们的工业已帮倒忙本身所指的服务别人承载这种含糊不清的名词“云”。Our industry has done itself a disservice by referring to services someone else hosts by this nebulous term "cloud."

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电视名人黄健翔决定不再重复发布上街护树的微博,因为担心参与者会帮倒忙。Mr. Huang, the television celebrity, decided not to repost online calls for a street protest, fearful they would backfire.

绝对为主裁判帮倒忙,上半场一次针对德罗巴所决定的越位亦是可笑的。Absolutely no help to the referee, and one decision against Drogba in the first half where he called an offside was laughable.

限制卡路里摄入量的减肥方式是一种极端的帮倒忙理论,它听起来很有道理,不少奸商通过销售与之相关的书籍致富了。Calorie constriction is an extremely counter-productive theory solely designed to sound good so someone can sell a book and get rich.

对于“伪神们”[8]来说,从共同进化中获得的最有用的教训就是,在共同进化的世界里,控制和保密只能帮倒忙。Perhaps the most useful lesson of coevolution for "wannabe" gods is that in coevolutionary worlds control and secrecy are counterproductive.

恐慌经常是最大的危险,因为它会导致错误的应对措施,媒体为恐慌火上浇油,这就是最严重的帮倒忙。Panic is often the greatest danger, because it leads to bad responses, and when the media fuel panic they are doing the greatest of disservices.

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举个例子,呵欠在环境温度超过体温时不大可能发生,因为这时候深吸一口热空气只能帮倒忙。For instance, yawning should not occur when ambient temperatures exceed body temperature, as taking a deep inhalation of warm air would be counterproductive.