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他们把那只木船从河里拖了上来。They pulled up the boat out of the river.

从重庆到汉口,我坐了木船。I took a wooden boat from Chongqing to Hankou.

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在过去,木船一向是手工打造的。In the past, wooden boats were always made by hand.

当地渔民开着装有固定马达的木船。Local fishermen in wooden boats with mounted motors.

首批装甲舰是包着钢板的木船。The first ironclads were wooden ships plated with iron.

附近有两只他们来这个岛坐的独木船。Nearby were two canoes in which they had came to the island.

游客们坐着木船被送到了颐和园。The visitors were transported to the Summer Palace by a wooden boat.

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每只木船要想渡过青滩,都得请这儿的人引领过去。When junks want to pass this shoal, they have to ask a local man to pilot them.

我的香柏木船了六层漆皮外衣,你知道所有这些漆皮的材料吗?My cedar receives six coats of lacquer. Do you know all the ingredients of lacquer?

随后用绳索和木船运上43名武装人员,公然侵占我赤瓜礁。Then used a rope and wooden shipping on 43 armed men, I openly invaded Chigua reef.

眼下正当破晓前的时分,天气很冷,他把身子紧贴着木船舷来取暖。It was cold now in the time before daylight and he pushed against the wood to be warm.

在他的背后竖起一个巨大木船的框架,有200英尺长,70英尺宽。Behind him rises the skeleton of a massive wooden ship, 200 feet long and 70 feet wide.

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我努力使哥哥明白这一点,但他太恐惧了,呆坐在沉重的木船里。I tried to make my brother understand, but he was terrified and stayed in the heavy boat.

河岸边停满了模仿热带景观而漆成五颜六色的柚木船。The banks are crowded with teak vessels painted in hues that mimic the tropical landscape.

从木船登陆,她把重心集中到了这一个个孤立、圆柱状树木所形成的小树林。From a wooden boat landing she focused on this grove of trees, isolating this columnar formation.

龙骨邦木,呆木船的龙骨和艉柱之间的垂直板材,用来加固。The vertical planking between the keel of a vessel and the sternpost, serving as a reinforcement.

该拉哈夫流域和当地城镇每个是众所周知的捕捞,使木船。The LaHave River Valley and each of the local towns are well known for fishing and making wooden ships.

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有木船被拴在风浪冲不到的地方,但是她解开一艘船向海中拖去。The boats were tied down beyond the reach of the storm tide, but she freed one and dragged it to the water.

从舟字的结构观察,商代的舟船与现今的木船大致相同。Observed from the structures of word "boat", the boat in Shang Dynasty is similar to the boat of modem time.

从舟字的结构观察,商代的舟船与现今的木船大致相同。Observed from the structures of word "boat", the boat in Shang Dynasty is similar to the boat of modern time.