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似乎我在预测美国的没落,我希望没人向我这样忧国忧民。I hope no one takes my concerns as though I am predicting the demise of America.

容闳回国后,看到了清政府的腐朽落后和国家的贫弱。面对现实,他忧国忧民。But he returned only to find a poverty-striken country with a corrupted government.

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从中可以看出他的政治抱负和忧国忧民的情怀。We can know his political ambition and the feelings of concerns of his country and people.

所有忧国忧民的美国人民需要通过不断明确我们需要什么和不需要什么来保持对华盛顿的压力。Concerned Americans need to keep the pressure on by continuing to define what we want and what we do not want.

作为一代文坛宗匠,欧在他诗文中议政论道,表现出忧国忧民、以天下为己任的责任感。As a great master of the time, Ou Yangxiu discussed political affairs which showed his sense of responsibility on his country and people.

不管是从传统些的“保护地球”角度还是基于忧国忧民的“小大人”视角都是如此。Wether it be from a more traditional "save the planet"-perspective or in the eyes of the "big boys" worrying about security and the economy.

常家十六世常燕生生逢乱世,忧国忧民,希望通过学术思想的突破性研究来指导群众。Chang Yan-sheng born in the troubled times, concerned for the national fate and hoped to guide the masses by breaking through academic thinking.

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一个整天琢磨着忧国忧民大事的企业家,哪有时间和精力考虑对员工的承诺呢?How would an entrepreneur who is concerned about his country and people all day long, have the time and energy to think about staff and commitments?

他创造了“忧国忧民的摄影师”一词,用来说明对自己拍摄对象的情感投入,这些拍摄对象往往使新闻客观性的界线变得模糊不清。He coined the term "concerned photography" to describe an emotional engagement with his subjects that often blurred the border of journalistic objectivity.

在国际形势相对和平的环境下,“忧国忧民”意识体现在外交战略上就是对国家主权与独立的维护。In the somewhat peaceful international circumstance, the sense of"worry people and country"means we must protect the national sovereignty and keep independence.

这些意象的使用,昭示了鲁迅忧国忧民的伟大人格,并形成鲁迅自己独特的诗风。The application of these images indicate Lu Xun's great personality of worrying about the nation and the people, and it help to form his own unique poetic styles.

但作为一名无政府主义者,他欣赏的是杜甫身上亲切、自然的一面,而对其忧国忧民的儒家思想则略为不屑。As an anarchist, what Rexroth admires most in Tu Fu are the qualities of intimacy and nature instead of the concern about the destiny of the country and the Confucianism.

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巴金对下一代如何健康成长的思虑,既是他整个忧国忧民意识的一个重要组成部分,又是他光辉人格的生动体现。His reflection on how to make the coming generation grow up healthily represents his consciousness of concerning about his country and people and his magnificent personality.

提出了自己对于国家、人民前途的深刻思考,积极探索国家民族富强之路,热情描绘新生事物和祖国秀美山川,表现了一个忧国忧民、热爱生活的诗人形象。He enthusiastically described the new things and the beautiful scenery of his country. He presented the image of a poet who loved life and cared for the country and its people.

在一片黑暗打旋的阴云背景前,他转过头并盯向外面。这个有着中西部人鼻音的第二代德国移民看上去是个深思熟虑并忧国忧民的人。Head turned and staring outward in front of a backdrop of dark and swirling clouds, the second-generation German immigrant with a Midwestern twang looked a pensive and worried man.

透过“长安情结”,我们可以更加深入地了解作家群体超越个人得失的忧国忧民意识,以及他们出于个人生存、发展的需求而对政治权力的依附与追求。Through this kind of complex, we can understand better and deeper the patriotism of ancient writers and their dependence of political power for their personal existence and development.