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电子信函是书写的。Email is Written.

电子信函具有时间延迟。Email is Time Delayed.

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她信函内附有一张支票。Her letter enclosed a check.

许多人写电子信函给杭特问她出了什么事。Many emailed Ms. Hunt to ask what happened.

折叠的贺年卡应该按信函交寄。Folded New Year card should be sent as a letter.

你会为你的继任者准备什么样的信函?What message would you prepare for your successor?

安然转寄了一份该信函的复印件给上诉人。Enron forwarded a copy of that letter to petitioner.

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按照这5个步骤,确保你正确的送出了一封电子信函。Follow these 5 steps to ensure that you send a proper email.

如果该信函是寄给非客户的,那就不要提供任何意见。If this is a letter to a nonclient, do not offer any advice.

随函附加税寄我们六月二日信函的影印件一份。We are enclosing a photostatic copy of our letter dated June 2.

K•盖茨及L•盖茨,2007年8月10号,致乔治·戴维斯律师事务所信函K&L Gates, 10th August 2007. Letter to George Davies Solicitors.

两页的信和六页的信所达到的效果相同,甚至只有两页的信函达到的会更多。A two-page letter will do the same thing as a six-pager, and more.

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下述文字摘自一封致某地方报纸编辑的信函The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a local newspaper.

如果需要几小时或者几天才能收到对方的电子信函,会使聊天非常不便。If your messages are hours or days apart, this makes chatting difficult.

此为文徵明的私人信函,信中感谢对方邀宴之事。This is a personal letter to thank a friend for inviting him to a banquet.

商务英语信函在频繁的对外贸易中起着弥足珍贵的作用。Business English letters play a valuable role in the frequent foreign trade.

这类的例子是办公室内部的备忘录和客户信函。Examples of the first type are inter-office memoranda and letters to clients.

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位于阿姆斯特丹的梵高博物馆这次借出了其中的35封信函,以及许多画作。The Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam is lending 35, along with a dozen paintings.

许多写信函的人认为需要把普通词添枝加叶地修饰一番。Many letter writers feel they have to dress up ordinary words when they write.

能够写商务信函、简况、摘要、概要、读书笔记。To write business letters, introductions, abstracts, summaries and reading notes.