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这些货币平价兑换。This currency exchanges at par.

这届会议是所谓的厕所平价。That session is called Potty Parity.

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第三列是巨无霸购买力平价。The third column calculates Big Mac PPPs.

但平价的推理,它落在加尔文。But by parity of reasoning it falls upon Calvinism.

金平价未能在经济萧条时期得已持续。The gold standard failed to outlast the Depression.

买点护肤品用吧,平价引荐卡尼尔。Buy skin care products with it, parity referral Garnier.

但是,0.9950是通往平价道路上难以逾越的障碍。However, the 0.9950 level is proving a difficult hurdle to parity.

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在坂村,男女老少在国营平价粮店外排队等候着。Men and women lined up at the Fair Price Shop in the village of Ban.

她平均每场6月10日猪断奶和断奶重145磅在五个平价。She has averaged 10.6 pigs weaned and 145 lb weaning weight in five parities.

巴切莱特说,她选择这家餐厅是因为方便,但是我注意到这家餐厅也很平价。Bachelet says she selected it for convenience and I observe that it is also cheap.

新的标准是根据经济学家所说的购买力平价而设定的。The new standardwas set according to what economists call purchasing power parity.

解决全球能源危机。开拓了无污染,无限量,平价的宇宙能源。Solved the Energy Crisis with non-polluting, abundant, cheap Cosmic Energy Sources.

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腐败现象不止是有人把平价面包拿到黑市上高价出售。The corruption is not limited to selling subsidized wheat flour on the black market.

平价超市离学校不远,只隔着几条马路,紧挨着高速公路。The Thriftway was not far from the school, just a few streets south, off the highway.

我把这视为一场战争——一场为了健康权和所有人获得平价药物的战争。I see this as a war — a war for the right for health and affordable medicines for all.

将中国价格除以美国价格得到1美元的购买力平价是3.65元。Diveding the local Chinese price by the American price gives a dollar PPP of 3.65 yuan.

优质化。平价化使云峰产品能在普及世界每一个角落。High quality. Parity of the Yunfeng products to be popular in every corner of the world.

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在「定价策略」上,卖店商品价位似乎偏高,但还可开发平价商品。In terms of "pricing strategy", the prices of the products in the shops seem to be high.

本周法国巴黎银行预计欧元将在明年年初兑美元触及平价水准.BNP Paribas this week predicted the euro would hit parity against the dollar in early 2011.

这两种货币在新兴市场的货币中表现非常出色,高于其巨无霸购买力平价。These two stand out as emerging-market currencies that trade well above their Big Mac PPPs.