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是繁衍后代的问题。What matters is reproduction.

爱情是一种以美作媒介的繁衍欲望。Money is a medium for buying and selling.

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成千上万的水鸟在湖边繁衍后代。Thousands of waterfowl breed round the lake.

婚姻大体上是为了保险和繁衍。Marriage mostly was for security and lineage.

它通过生存和繁衍进化。And it's evolved due to survival and reproduction.

爱情是一种以美作媒介的繁衍欲望。Commercial television is a medium for advertising.

这里,荒谬的人因为无法统一再次选择繁衍自我。The absurd man multiplies here again what he cannot unify.

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人类是通过有性生殖来繁衍同类的。Human beings propagate their species by sexual reproduction,

如果是,为什么植物没有繁衍出任何非自然的植物呢?And if it is, why isn't plant breeding of any sort unnatural?

既然这样,延长寿命就要重于繁衍后代。In this case, prolongation of life should trump reproduction.

爱情是以种以美作媒介的生命繁衍的欲望。Love is an appetite of generation by the mediation of beauty.

胚胎移植猞猁的目的是让该物种生存并繁衍。The task of the transplanted lynx is to survive and multiply.

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和未配对的雌性相比,她们更能成功繁衍后代。They are more reproductively successful than unpaired females.

美洲鸵的繁衍周期与大多数其他鸟类非常不同。The rhea's breeding cycle varies greatly from most other birds.

鲍姆福德探讨一些鸟类在人类环境成功繁衍的能力。Balmford discussed some birds' abilities to prosper among humans.

合浦沿海得天独厚的海湾是繁衍珍珠的最佳场所。Hepu gulf is of unique geographical position for pearl's growing.

因为你要靠以撒来繁衍后代。Do what Sarah says, because you shall have descendants through Isaac.

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他们喜欢独居在野外,也以这样的方式繁衍着后代。They like the isolation out in the wild for this is how they propagate.

由这种混杂而繁衍产生了一个现叫作美国人的种族。From this promiscuous breed, that race now called Americans have arisen.

近期降水对控制蚊虫繁衍的努力不利。The recent rain isn't helping with efforts to control mosquito hatchings.